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    nice old movies

    You don't recognize an old friend from Fryazino)), and we had such a heart-to-heart chat on one web site.

    Buka Today, 13:59 Go to last post

    fov problem

    that gets me curious though, I will dig in the server settings tomorow to see if there is a command to force a FOV value

    Skyward Yesterday, 23:05 Go to last post

    fov problem

    it's a bit weird, guys. i tested fov command. on steam version fov is fixed to 90 can't change it but on ostap version I can.

    90 fov on

    Aberration Yesterday, 22:58 Go to last post

    fov problem

    90% of gameplay I used 3d or cable (basic net script) so I can't approve your reply

    Pheonix Yesterday, 22:18 Go to last post

    fov problem

    bad syncs happen most often to us because we use(ed) ultra netsetting with shit connections (often below 1mb), not the server's fault, Ostap servers have

    Skyward Yesterday, 19:46 Go to last post

    fov problem

    I was getting pretty often Tmbs on Ostap's servers, like every 3-5 mins

    Pheonix Yesterday, 19:16 Go to last post

    fov problem

    I'm administrating the servers for Ostap since 2010 and I was never told he did anything of this sort to prevent people from using tweaks

    Skyward Yesterday, 17:28 Go to last post

    nice old movies

    theres also a playlist about you, and me under the name ''Killer''

    I think it's not just a single person but it's a recollection of

    Salker90 Yesterday, 16:58 Go to last post

    nice old movies

    wtf and I see Campers not KoA

    Skyward Yesterday, 14:25 Go to last post

    nice old movies

    Evolta Yesterday, 08:29 Go to last post