is there any alternative to adam's server list? I need to check the servers in my browser before actually starting sam just to find an empty list. and
Aberration Today, 06:21you told me you were clean! .d
Aberration Today, 06:18wow wow, Cigivar, welcome back
D 3 m 4 n Yesterday, 07:29True but Sam is also different than most usual and even unusual arena fps games, it's much more methodical, kind of inspect&execute approach, helped
Supersniper98 05.02.2025, 05:43You're wrong about some cases.
@Meta I agree to disagree but I didn't say that it is imperative that you play with someone who is an absolute master of the game , In sam even someone
Salker90 04.02.2025, 21:59But this is not some game with a massive skill ceiling man. It really isn't that deep for someone competent who has the masochism levels to go through
Supersniper98 04.02.2025, 20:45I can't agree with that, we could observe that in 2009 (and prior to it) when the no powerups was the main meta everywhere and that all servers were still
Skyward 04.02.2025, 19:36
Getting Own Server to Work
sam is dead...
SERPENTARI0N Today, 09:28