Are you suggesting reverse reverse engineering?
cigivar Today, 07:40lol, where there cheats, Salker/Sniper?
i shaking mouse specially)
+ my bad game in Forttess.
i am 100% clean in team games.
Hello my dear — Aberration! yeah, 100%
one moment — i am playing soft-pack vs Zdichu ( 1 vs 1 )
other match’s/player's
I'm a tired of watching this
I saw him 4 times pre-reacting and pre-aiming thru walls and peeking at stupid angles with his "3rd person",
"Just skill" is somefing only dem0n and pedodevon would come to write on this forummes. Hehe just downloaded me some demos. I got nametags showing
Supersniper98 Yesterday, 22:43dem0n aka anxiety still hacking 2025 alive.
nice old movies
Mini hobby of guessing who before the game. When the three red or
cigivar Today, 07:48green score is not yet open, it seems impossible to guess who is who. But if