Welcome to the GameZone24.net Forums - Serious Sam.

Conversation Between Observer Mastaa and QuietStorm

9 Visitor Messages

  1. wtf is wrong with you :S why does it take so long
  2. could you change my name to Soopafly? thanks in advance rafi
  3. true ladyboner, am I not?
  4. skype
  5. lol there was no text in your pm fofo
  6. sorry that I had to go yesterday...but you know...I couldn't do that yesterday...server was almost full. I'll be back to Sam and you mofos will face Deva and me for training then
  7. msn noob
  8. u c I was right? Cheers
  9. raf, join msn if you're there
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 9 of 9