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Conversation Between QuietStorm and Bullet

10 Visitor Messages

  1. move your white russian ass to Revo and Steam, biiiitchassnigggaaaa! Otherwhise, Im gonna get a nigga moment: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4k4_OLV938
  2. hey Bullet, please be on skype around 19.00 pm (GMT+1). It's important, thanks in advance
  3. Clear your PM box
  4. yo Bulletinsky, do you have skype?
  5. haha, that's da way to go...all devils got eggs at the end
  6. but we need a noticeable decision...otherwhise its too close...thats why you have to vote too come on, show eggs
  7. https://www.gamezone24.net/forums/sho...p?t=20794...:P tell zeo to finally vote too...we need a decision..
  8. 1.05 is not my world...it's different in clanwars though
  9. hehe np I sucked...not used to play that early:S
  10. it was them? lol I sucked though
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 10 of 10