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  1. #1
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    Unhappy It's Official Now: Season 4 Will Be the Last Prison Break Season

    Fox cancels Prison Break

    TCA -- This will be the final season of "Prison Break."

    Fox will shift the show to Fridays this spring for its final run of episodes, taking over for "Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles" once the sci-fi drama finishes its run. "Prison" will air Friday nights at 8 p.m. starting April 17.

    "The show just played out," says Fox entertainment president Kevin Reilly. "Creatively everybody feels enough stories were told ... we want it to finish strong and not just gimp out next season."

    "Prison" has four more episodes set to air, and might shoot a could extra series-ending episodes as well.

    "They have a cool ending," Reilly reassured.

    Fox also will seat its Mitch Hurwitz animated comedy "Sit Down, Shut Up" on April 19, filling in the "King of the Hill" slot on Sundays at 8:30 p.m. after "The Simpsons." "Sit Down" will take over after "King" has its series finale.

    The first question for Fox entertainment president Kevin Reilly is about putting "Dollhouse" on Fridays. Fox does have hope -- not entirely unreasonable -- for its new Friday block.

    The network has a trio of serialized shows that have either struggled in the ratings ("Terminator," "Prison") or are expected to struggle in the ratings ("Dollhouse"). Faced with an otherwise crowded schedule, executives think that by pooling all the shows together to attack a night that doesn't otherwise have much competition – the biggest ratings draw is CBS' female-skewing block led by "Ghost Whisperer" -- maybe, just maybe, Fox can carve out a sustainable male-friendly niche that evening.

    Nobody's betting big this will work. But this is not simply Fox pilot Kevin Reilly wearing a rising sun bandanna aiming his plane at the deck of the U.S.S. Friday Night.

    This will be the last season of Prison Break.

    Stifmeister -)Campers(-

    "Empty-net goals are for homos."
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  2. #2
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    Quick trailer for next episode (4x17):


    Stifmeister -)Campers(-

    "Empty-net goals are for homos."
    ~ Al Iafrate

  3. #3
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    Damn Ahmed did you check the trailer? What a twist once again...

    Petter don't watch it!!
    Stifmeister -)Campers(-

    "Empty-net goals are for homos."
    ~ Al Iafrate

  4. #4
    Lyrical Master
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    Yeah it was predticable ( both things ). But I learnt not to overtrust trailers. We actually don't know who Michael is calling and even if it's him there might be an explanation. We'll see soon enough I guess..

  5. #5
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dr. Dre View Post
    Yeah it was predticable ( both things ). But I learnt not to overtrust trailers. We actually don't know who Michael is calling and even if it's him there might be an explanation. We'll see soon enough I guess..
    Well according to the article episode 17 will air on Friday April 17. so few months to wait..

    But you're right, I actually thought about it myself too.
    Stifmeister -)Campers(-

    "Empty-net goals are for homos."
    ~ Al Iafrate

  6. #6
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    I saw that The Experts and NCIS stop too

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