Any update?
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Any update?
Tell me... where should i go? To the left,
where nothing is right? Or to the right,
where nothing is left?
Shotty Open League is back and goes through some facelift!
- New tournament format: actually not a tournament, smaller, simplier event (stay tuned!)
- Stars Series (may come back someday) let go of the swiss system and will use a "3 lives" format instead, simplier and shorter than the swiss system.
- Legends feature has been removed
- Zdzichu has been removed from the staff (inactive)
- SOL Ladder has been removed (obsolete, not enough data, doesn't fit the forthcoming simplier events)
- New server online (soon)
- New event coming very soon!
changes will be operated in few hours
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waitingbut shotty? why not make it more maps and other that shotty ones? I think now many players would like to play casual maps such as LT, TLT, Yod better than shotty. anyway leeeeeeeeeeeeet's do this
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so we with HV have proposed that roster of our remaining active players contains of 14 players. that's almost good for tourney. if we had +2 we could even complete a 16 players registration. Like Boyzyator + Amcotrad for example. But i doubt they play nowadays...
High Voltage
maybe we can also get Immortal Hero, Insider? Havana? MasterShock?
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Awesome news!I don't have much time for helping with organizing atm, but I'm gonna play it, no doubt!
solid as a rock, cold as ice and dark as the night (zeo) (c) amco 2023
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lets play
sign me
- - - Updated - - -
actually no, dont sign me, im drunk and this is an irrational decision for which I wont give a simple fuck to uplhold![]()
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