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  1. #1
    Join Date
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    zeo stole them frags

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    Double Trouble - The Trouble King 2020 [Rules/Discussion/Signups]

    There it is...
    Double Trouble 2020 - The Trouble King Tournament


    Additional Rules

    • You must wear your tag, alias names are not allowed
    • Cheating (wallhack, autoshot etc.), trashing, using edited files is not allowed
    • Skins: Both players should use the same skin
    • "Moving before a match started" penalty: -1 frag to a player
    • If a player doesn't respawn more than for 10 seconds, he gets -1 frag penalty, -2 frag penalty for 20 seconds and so on
    • If you use the doublekill bug, we will take a frag away from your final score to neutralize the bug.

    Draw Rules:

    If both players have equal frag (kill) scores after 10 minutes of gameplay, the 2 minutes overtime will be added. The tourney host will inform about the overtime immediately and will not stop the match. The 2 minutes overtime will be added until one of the players scores at least one frag (kill).

    If total draw occurs (both players will have the same score after suming up two maps), the participants must play whole round again.


    Opponents should contact each other, and tell the date when they're going to play in this thread, or personally to one of the organizers (Tourney hosts). If it's impossible to arrange a match in an appropriate time using the above solution, tourney hosts have rights to set date and hour of the match to be played without possibility to negotiate. If the players don't show up, it will mean walkover.
    If a game is played without having an admin present to witness the game, that game won't be counted !

    Special Disclaimer and Tournament Blyadlist:

    Tourney hosts have right to refuse the sign-in of a Problematic Player. The definition of a Problematic Player: A player who had walkovers and problems with playing at the specified dates in the previous tournaments/clan matches/clan tournaments. It's a player who tends to sign-in and then disappears and doesn't show up when needed or requested by a Tournament host. Walkover players and problematic Players will be added to special Tournament Blyadlist and this decision is not negotiable.
    Last edited by HeLLspAWn; 02.06.2020 at 01:19. Reason: bad and naxui ti eblivyi ochen
    Where r my 115e? and now we Have a Problem.

    GameZone24.net Forums founder. The Director since 2003

  2. #2
    Join Date
    May 2009

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    if I can sign up already I would like to.

    Forsaken (Campers)

    p.s. firstly wanted to write Immortals as clan

  3. #3
    VPN Elite

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    January 2007
    hidden behind vpn

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    winner gets ghostys 115€

    hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    June 2003
    zeo stole them frags

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    Special Disclaimer and Tournament Blyadlist:

    Tourney hosts have right to refuse the sign-in of a Problematic Player. The definition of a Problematic Player: A player who had walkovers and problems with playing at the specified dates in the previous tournaments/clan matches/clan tournaments. It's a player who tends to sign-in and then disappears and doesn't show up when needed or requested by a Tournament host. Walkover players and problematic Players will be added to special Tournament Blyadlist and this decision is not negotiable.
    Where r my 115e? and now we Have a Problem.

    GameZone24.net Forums founder. The Director since 2003

  5. #5
    Join Date
    June 2003
    zeo stole them frags

    Downloads: 34  Uploads: 10

    Fururken is added to Challonge bracket:


    I also add your forum e-mail addresses, so you will receive updates and other important information directly from challonge.com
    Where r my 115e? and now we Have a Problem.

    GameZone24.net Forums founder. The Director since 2003

  6. #6
    Join Date
    May 2011

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    Quote Originally Posted by HeLLspAWn View Post
    If you use the doublekill bug, we will take a frag away from your final score to neutralize the bug.
    huh..?? this should be +3 frags to the player who performed such a stunt
    Last edited by HeLLspAWn; 06.05.2020 at 01:48. Reason: bad naxui wrong information
    Vladislav ] Prottoss [ Director macCream po va6emu ot4estvu DIRECTOR

    Vladislav ] Prottoss [ Director macCream po va6emu ot4estvu IMPERATOR

    Susperme Leader of GameZloty115.btc
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  7. #7
    Join Date
    June 2003
    zeo stole them frags

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    Quote Originally Posted by Prottoss View Post
    huh..?? this should be +3 frags to the player who performed such a stunt
    +3? Stop telling lies to peoples!. -1 is good
    Where r my 115e? and now we Have a Problem.

    GameZone24.net Forums founder. The Director since 2003

  8. #8
    Join Date
    August 2014
    nuke is my home

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    Quote Originally Posted by Prottoss View Post
    huh..?? this should be +3 frags to the player who performed such a stunt
    kek that's ez, i can do that with every possible weapon

    115 euro sounds cool lol
    certified engineer of doublekill bug

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    fine fine sign me in

    Negative ex-member
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    also known as:
    Pull Ya? Let It Doll Go!
    Artorias the Abysswalker
    Raime the Fume Knight
    Ornstein the Dragonslayer

  10. #10
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    i never gave a single fuck about this doublefragging at ANY official or non official game, I was and will be doing it even if penalty is -5 frags idgaf. So sign me up because now is tough time and 115 would be kinda nice, I will invest the money into the financial stock market and half into the real estate business.

    Also here is the question to any participant.
    If you win what are you going to do with your massive winnings?

    - - - Updated - - -

    Amco can you prepare the Double Trouble 2020 Winner signature for me please? Sam related
    Vladislav ] Prottoss [ Director macCream po va6emu ot4estvu DIRECTOR

    Vladislav ] Prottoss [ Director macCream po va6emu ot4estvu IMPERATOR

    Susperme Leader of GameZloty115.btc
    Susperme Leader of Immortals
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    Susperme Leader of Devils

  11. #11
    Server Admin
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    server is ready with !map command avaiable
    Sorry no speedtest result here
    PC1 | CPU - AMD Ryzen 7 5800x3d@4.5GHz | RAM - 64GB DDR4 | GPU - AMD Radeon RX 6750XT 12GB | OS - Windows 11 64bit
    PC2 | CPU - 2x Intel Xeon E5-2683v4@2.8GHz | RAM - 128GB DDR4 | GPU - AMD Radeon HD6450 1GB | OS - Proxmox VE 64bit

  12. #12
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    add command !winner that would display my gracious nickname at any time
    Vladislav ] Prottoss [ Director macCream po va6emu ot4estvu DIRECTOR

    Vladislav ] Prottoss [ Director macCream po va6emu ot4estvu IMPERATOR

    Susperme Leader of GameZloty115.btc
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  13. #13
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    How about to finnish sol tournament first?
    Tell me... where should i go? To the left,
    where nothing is right? Or to the right,
    where nothing is left?

  14. #14
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    проттос перестань себя вести как петух

    Negative ex-member
    TheUntouchables ex-member
    Devils ex-member
    HellRaiZers co-founder
    Current team - Campers

    also known as:
    Pull Ya? Let It Doll Go!
    Artorias the Abysswalker
    Raime the Fume Knight
    Ornstein the Dragonslayer

  15. #15
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack View Post
    проттос перестань себя вести как петух
    you are eblivy ochen
    Vladislav ] Prottoss [ Director macCream po va6emu ot4estvu DIRECTOR

    Vladislav ] Prottoss [ Director macCream po va6emu ot4estvu IMPERATOR

    Susperme Leader of GameZloty115.btc
    Susperme Leader of Immortals
    Susperme Leader of InterPlay
    Susperme Leader of FIGONA
    Susperme KING of FRANCE
    Susperme Leader of Devils


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