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  1. #1
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    How to make SS:SE/FE run 144Hz on full screen with OpenGL [Tutorial]

    Ok. This is a true 2020 maverick guide which will make your 144Hz monitor work @ 144Hz Full Screen openGL! even if you have crappy AMD hardware!

    Yes, this is insane ,but it actually works on my 144Hz panel, full screen OPENGL. After 2 hours of testing I finally managed to run this 2002 game @ proper pixel clock.

    So first of all download CRU from here: https://www.monitortests.com/forum/T...on-Utility-CRU
    Version 1.4.2

    1. Unpack, fire up CRU.exe
    2. Select the monitor you want to modify to work exclusively on 144Hz.
    3. Remove all possible resolutions in the Detailed resolutions at the main CRU window (NOT THE Detailed Resolutions seen after hitting Edit... in Extension Blocks!!! Thats very important). Also make sure, that you don't have any 1920x1080 resolutions listed on "Standard Resolutions" tab. If you have any, select it and hit Detele (NOT "DELETE ALL"!)
    4. Go to Extension blocks and select CEA-861: x detailed resolution, x data blocks (x = depends how much you have them actually).
    5. Select "Edit..."
    6. At the Detailed Resolutions (x slots left) section select all the resolutions that are below 144Hz (you might have, 100Hz, 120Hz and so on) and after selecting each resolution hit Delete. You will need to leave ONLY 144Hz on 1920x1080 resolution.
    7. Now very important part!. In the same window you also have Data blocks (xx bytes left) section where you will see:
    - TV Resolutions
    - Audio formats.. etc.
    The most important part is TV Resolutions. Select TV Resolutions and hit "Edit..." button.
    8. You will see plenty of resolutions out there. Now very important step: Select ONLY the resolutions which are 1920x1080 @ x Hz and DELETE THEM one by one using Delete button. I had like 3 or 4 resolution settings @ 1920x1080 with 24, 25, 59 and 60Hz settings. I removed them all.
    9. After you do All hit OK button and then OK AGAIN. AND OK again until it closes.
    10. When the CRU app closes, open the unpacked folder containing CRU and run restart64.exe file. It will then set the resolutions to finally work. If all goes well, you'll just get the CRU window with 3 settings (Restart Again, Recovery Mode and Exit). If you see proper resolution and frequency then you set up all properly.
    11. Now launch your sirius semen, set it at 1920x1080, set OPEN GL, hit full screen mode and.... voila! Works freaking 144Hz @ openGL full screen!.

    If you encounter problems, write here. Maybe I'll be able to help and solve your issue.
    Last edited by HeLLspAWn; 23.10.2020 at 23:20.
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    1980: "omg in 2020 we have hoverboards and flying cars"

    2020: "How to make SS:SE/FE run 144Hz on full screen with OpenGL"

    hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol.

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    Great guide!
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  4. #4
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    would that work even with a 1440p monitor? I do recall sam is complete garbage when it runs above 1080p

    the weird thing is that 144hz worked perfectly for me with my 2070S and it will no longer work since I changed for the 3070

    edit: ok nevermind I found a waaay easier way to force sam to run at 144hz: go into the Nvidia control panel, open "3D settings" and click on "program settings", then "add", search for sam.exe in your serious sam directory.

    To this point I think it is enough to get sam running at 144hz as it will from now on use your global Nvidia 3D settings, i've still tweaked a few things but I haven't tested if it was really what made sam run at 144hz.

    It should be possible to do on AMD too but I wouldn't know how as I haven't used an AMD GPU since 2012
    Last edited by Skyward; 04.04.2023 at 03:05.

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  5. #5
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    It's possible to do on nvidia afair but sometimes it doesn't work even if you add it in nvidia manually. on AMD it's impossible atm - it won't let you setup custom res which is already default.
    Where r my 115e? and now we Have a Problem.

    GameZone24.net Forums founder. The Director since 2003

  6. #6
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    genuine question though, was serious sam originally designed to work with 1000hz polling rates or high dpi devices at all?

    kinda looking for a solution to get as close as possible from raw input. Already tried to play without windows pointer enhencer recently (yeah never did that before) which removes acceleration, but there is still that jerky movement when we do fast mouse movements, which is unbelievably annoying

    edit: after further testing, as long as acceleration is disabled in sam (and smooth axis) it has no acceleration. I tried both with and without windows pointer enhencer and in both cases I did not have acceleration. it feels different though aim is slightly more responsive when it is disabled, which makes me less accurate on target following (like shooting someone with the minigun).
    Decreasing polling rate will also dramatically affect accuracy (sam supports 1000hz).

    still looking about the jerky movement on fast moves
    Last edited by Skyward; 04.04.2023 at 18:01.

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    Corsair • Asus • Razer • Beyerdynamic

  7. #7
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    The mouse input behavior is clunky in semen but the only way is to get used to it. Besides some weird stuttering because of AMD (especially on shotty trouble when alot of people are using shotgun at the same time) which causes mouse to have a weird slight delay making your aim worse and unpredictable it's still decent.

    This game is not about aim if you play standard maps like LT, TLT, Fortress, Hole unless you base on using sniper most of the time - thats the only weapon which requires good aiming. Other than that you are good to go to play with 8cm/360 sens.

    I recently changed my sens from 24,6/360 to around 18/360 (I had to make it higher to have a better responsiveness while playing D2R tourneys) - it takes months to adapt fully but besides some problems with shotgun aim and my rustiness I still don't have problems getting decent or good scores in 2at2's / 3at3's
    Last edited by HeLLspAWn; 04.04.2023 at 19:00. Reason: bad
    Where r my 115e? and now we Have a Problem.

    GameZone24.net Forums founder. The Director since 2003

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyward View Post
    would that work even with a 1440p monitor? I do recall sam is complete garbage when it runs above 1080p
    I play 1440p 165hz, also with CRU and works perfectly.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skyward View Post
    edit: ok nevermind I found a waaay easier way to force sam to run at 144hz: go into the Nvidia control panel, open "3D settings" and click on "program settings", then "add", search for sam.exe in your serious sam directory.
    This alone never worked for me.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skyward View Post
    genuine question though, was serious sam originally designed to work with 1000hz polling rates or high dpi devices at all?

    still looking about the jerky movement on fast moves
    Serious Sam's camera movement is tied to a tickrate of i think 24 or 12hz or whatever. change the RealTimeFactor to 0.1 and you'll notice the tickrate and maybe understand why your camera is jittery.

    Quote Originally Posted by Skyward View Post
    kinda looking for a solution to get as close as possible from raw input. Already tried to play without windows pointer enhencer recently (yeah never did that before) which removes acceleration, but there is still that jerky movement when we do fast mouse movements, which is unbelievably annoying.
    I have really repetitive settings that i figured on my own, I can share them with you, just list the things you want to see, and I'll send my suggestions for changes and extras for you to test
    Last edited by GraphX of GZ wow; 05.04.2023 at 01:02. Reason: bad

    *~>>Devils Ultimate d'Erektor<<~*

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    post your screens? played yesterday? of today? no screens available? No screens of january? december 2022? november 2022? no played matches in sam? hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol. ~Vyebani User 2023

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by d'Erector View Post
    This alone never worked for me.
    whether i'm lucky or what I tweaked did really work, I will post a screenshot of my settings tomorow just in case there is a small chance that it could help

    Quote Originally Posted by d'Erector View Post
    I have really repetitive settings that i figured on my own, I can share them with you, just list the things you want to see, and I'll send my suggestions for changes and extras for you to test
    aim settings are always personal and what you did may not fit my needs, nevertheless I wouldn't mind having a look at what you've done
    I have found my own settings which mostly fits the way I play, but like I said that jerky feel on fast moves remains a big annoyance for me, I just can't stand it after playing so many modern games with raw input

    @Chyl, I am a sniper player, that's the best I can (I used to) do to counter all the naders

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  10. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyward View Post
    aim settings are always personal and what you did may not fit my needs
    If you don't use acceleration, then this method is adjustable to the sensitivity you like. and it's most consistent and repetitive in movements.

    Just adjust the mouse sensitivity with this command inp_fmousesensitivity.
    I've got it at 0.054 and it's 20cm for a 360 spin on a 800dpi mouse, i even think this is calculable.

    Zrzut ekranu 2023-04-04 223055.jpgZrzut ekranu 2023-04-04 222409.jpgZrzut ekranu 2023-04-04 222232.jpgZrzut ekranu 2023-04-04 222208.jpgZrzut ekranu 2023-04-04 221924.png
    Last edited by GraphX of GZ wow; 05.04.2023 at 01:03. Reason: bad

    *~>>Devils Ultimate d'Erektor<<~*

    People who lead a very successful business, usually tend to have extremely low freetime which results in depressions.
    The only thing that matters is personal happines and health, money can destroy both.
    ~Amco 2016

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    and respectful towards everyone, and feel comfortable about yourself.
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    post your screens? played yesterday? of today? no screens available? No screens of january? december 2022? november 2022? no played matches in sam? hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol. ~Vyebani User 2023

  11. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyward of GZ wow. View Post
    whether i'm lucky or what I tweaked did really work, I will post a screenshot of my settings tomorow just in case there is a small chance that it could help

    aim settings are always personal and what you did may not fit my needs, nevertheless I wouldn't mind having a look at what you've done
    I have found my own settings which mostly fits the way I play, but like I said that jerky feel on fast moves remains a big annoyance for me, I just can't stand it after playing so many modern games with raw input

    @Chyl, I am a sniper player, that's the best I can (I used to) do to counter all the naders
    +screenshot this is not serious sam I just wait for it username: skyward from gamezone wow
    Last edited by HeLLspAWn; 05.04.2023 at 01:02. Reason: bad
    Where r my 115e? and now we Have a Problem.

    GameZone24.net Forums founder. The Director since 2003

  12. #12
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    this thread has been depleted and for reasons and reasons for bad only, it's tiem to close this thread just wait for it forumname: Gamezone24
    Last edited by GraphX of GZ wow; 05.04.2023 at 01:06. Reason: bad

    *~>>Devils Ultimate d'Erektor<<~*

    People who lead a very successful business, usually tend to have extremely low freetime which results in depressions.
    The only thing that matters is personal happines and health, money can destroy both.
    ~Amco 2016

    It doesnt matter what you look like, or what stereotype you fulfill as long, as you're modest
    and respectful towards everyone, and feel comfortable about yourself.
    ~Amco 2020

    post your screens? played yesterday? of today? no screens available? No screens of january? december 2022? november 2022? no played matches in sam? hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol. ~Vyebani User 2023

  13. #13
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    I had a problem with my Nvidia driver and my tweak wouldn't work anymore for some reason, no way to play sam at 144hz anymore, would there be a simplier way to detail this tutorial with CRU? I don't understand any of this thing for shit -.-

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  14. #14
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    why 144? just go 280hz low response time tn panel like me ))

    no probs in sam
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  15. #15
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    Quote Originally Posted by Aberration View Post
    why 144? just go 280hz low response time tn panel like me ))

    no probs in sam
    sam won't run 144hz with OpenGL (Direct3D is completely glitchy with latest gpus)

    also TN in 2023 I had one from BenQ and the contrast was awful, so pale colors

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