The Minor Maps Tournament 2020
BLOCKS 'R' WIN + Flare SE 1vs1 !
- Tourney hosts: Zeo (The Emperor), Hellspawn (The Eblivyiest),
- Type of the game: 1vs1 (Duel)
- Maps: BLOCKS 'R' WIN, Flare SE 1vs1 !
- Fraglimit: none
- Timelimit: 5 minutes
- Difficulty: Normal
- Server: Karel's Finlandia Server
- Version: 1.07
- Tournament Type: Double Eliminations
- Grand Finals: 1-2 matches - winners bracket finalist has to be defeated twice by the losers bracket finalist
- Respawn invulnerability: 3 seconds
- Results will be posted on
- Participant list:
- Challonge Community Page:
Additional Rules
- You must wear your tag, alias names are not allowed
- Cheating (wallhack, autoshot etc.), trashing, using edited files is not allowed
- Skins: Both players should use the same skin
- "Moving before a match started" penalty: -1 frag to a player
- If a player doesn't respawn more than for 10 seconds, he gets -1 frag penalty, -2 frag penalty for 20 seconds and so on
- If you use the doublekill bug, we will take a frag away from your final score to neutralize the bug.
Draw Rules:
If both players have equal frag (kill) scores after 10 minutes of gameplay, the 2 minutes overtime will be added. The tourney host will inform about the overtime immediately and will not stop the match. The 2 minutes overtime will be added until one of the players scores at least one frag (kill). This rule applies to every round separately.
If total draw occurs (both players will have the same score after suming up two maps), the participants must play whole round again.
Opponents should contact each other, and tell the date when they're going to play in this thread, or personally to one of the organizers (Tourney hosts). If it's impossible to arrange a match in an appropriate time using the above solution, tourney hosts have rights to set date and hour of the match to be played without possibility to negotiate. If the players don't show up, it will mean walkover.
If a game is played without having an admin present to witness the game, that game won't be counted !