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  1. #1
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    The Update It Didn'T Feel As A City Or A City

    Finally, I believe there should be some added dangers to the"wilderness" involving towns. This could be outlaws coming out to attack youpersonally, natural events, and so forth. Jagex strove to make this by introducing level 5 highwaymen, but they're insignificant to HUJ V ROT players over level 10 and do not pose any dangers to individuals who are smart enough to operate. These risks would correspond to your skill level and could be common at elevated levels. They'd come from nowhere and struggle only you, very similar to old random events. This would probably help prevent botting too. I'd recommend the expanding of the map too, but that could be quite difficult.

    Eastern lands are interesting, and I think they have got lots of possibility, but until we proceed for them I think I would rather watch Menaphos and Prifidinas. Additionally, maintaining them ridiculously cryptic is really extremely helpful when they want to retcon items in. They are cool, but unecessary at the moment, unless Jagex really wants to draw in an oriental playerbase. Were they're published, I'd love some tie ins with Player owned Ports, Majharrat, and perhaps even another race altogether. . .but not Pandas like in WOW.

    Discussing of this world map, I love what they just did at the latest update filling in the edges. There is still room for developement but eliminating those nasty lines in the borders made them seem like a lot more well-rounded areas that make more sense. Next step, eliminating a few of the fences (I have not been to Al Kharid yet but I enjoy the appearance of the map ) and in particular the starter station would be great, then shrinking Draynor Manor so it goes with VYEBANIYU V KOSMOS the rest of Scale Theory could make the map better.
    Last edited by HeLLspAWn; 03.11.2020 at 05:42.

  2. #2
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    absolutely of course
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  3. #3
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    Tell me... where should i go? To the left,
    where nothing is right? Or to the right,
    where nothing is left?

  4. #4
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    zeo stole them frags

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    Ya kak raz sobiralsya zasnut'. No ya reshil, chto vyp'yu yeshche 8 sortov piva, chtoby poluchit' krasivuyu gamezone69.not. Vot ya vizhu etogo dolbanogo vyebanego v rot i v rzopu bota. Blya v 3:30 nochi, atakuyet gamezone @ seaport 25600. A chto mne delat' v xui? On govorit i prikazal mne pokupat' zoloto, no ya yebaiyu yego zoloto. Yego zloto u menya jest v rzopu i v pizded s yego zolotom v xui. Malo togo, vnezapno v 4:30 poyavlyayutsya Protossy ebaniyu, chto uzhe neveroyatno udivitel'no. Tem ne meneye, pryamo pod svoim postom on pishet PENIX. YA ne znayu, chert voz'mi, chto zdes' proiskhodit. Kakoy potjebleni opyt. Teper' ya chuvstvuyu sebya fursukenom fururkenom i forsratkenov. Vvidu vysheizlozhennogo, ya reshil pereyti s gamezone na forum tankista!!!!!!. idi naxui s gamezonezone69 zdes' yeshche yest' boty. A na forume tankistov vse yasno. Tam govoritsya o politike, yest' tri pol'zovatelya: at0mic , atom i avenger. Kak zhit v pizdec? To eblivyo vyebaniyu v rot bot s interneta. Net problemes net problems. Do skoroy vstrechi v morskim portom 25600 moy soshki!
    Where r my 115e? and now we Have a Problem.

    GameZone24.net Forums founder. The Director since 2003

  5. #5
    VPN Elite

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    hidden behind vpn

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    hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol.

  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingang View Post
    Finally, I believe there should be some added dangers to the"wilderness" involving towns. This could be outlaws coming out to attack youpersonally, natural events, and so forth. Jagex strove to make this by introducing level 5 highwaymen, but they're insignificant to HUJ V ROT players over level 10 and do not pose any dangers to individuals who are smart enough to operate. These risks would correspond to your skill level and could be common at elevated levels. They'd come from nowhere and struggle only you, very similar to old random events. This would probably help prevent botting too. I'd recommend the expanding of the map too, but that could be quite difficult.

    Eastern lands are interesting, and I think they have got lots of possibility, but until we proceed for them I think I would rather watch Menaphos and Prifidinas. Additionally, maintaining them ridiculously cryptic is really extremely helpful when they want to retcon items in. They are cool, but unecessary at the moment, unless Jagex really wants to draw in an oriental playerbase. Were they're published, I'd love some tie ins with Player owned Ports, Majharrat, and perhaps even another race altogether. . .but not Pandas like in WOW.

    Discussing of this world map, I love what they just did at the latest update filling in the edges. There is still room for developement but eliminating those nasty lines in the borders made them seem like a lot more well-rounded areas that make more sense. Next step, eliminating a few of the fences (I have not been to Al Kharid yet but I enjoy the appearance of the map ) and in particular the starter station would be great, then shrinking Draynor Manor so it goes with VYEBANIYU V KOSMOS the rest of Scale Theory could make the map better.

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Kingang View Post
    Finally, I believe there should be some added dangers to the"wilderness" involving towns. This could be outlaws coming out to attack youpersonally, natural events, and so forth. Jagex strove to make this by introducing level 5 highwaymen, but they're insignificant to HUJ V ROT players over level 10 and do not pose any dangers to individuals who are smart enough to operate. These risks would correspond to your skill level and could be common at elevated levels. They'd come from nowhere and struggle only you, very similar to old random events. This would probably help prevent botting too. I'd recommend the expanding of the map too, but that could be quite difficult.

    Eastern lands are interesting, and I think they have got lots of possibility, but until we proceed for them I think I would rather watch Menaphos and Prifidinas. Additionally, maintaining them ridiculously cryptic is really extremely helpful when they want to retcon items in. They are cool, but unecessary at the moment, unless Jagex really wants to draw in an oriental playerbase. Were they're published, I'd love some tie ins with Player owned Ports, Majharrat, and perhaps even another race altogether. . .but not Pandas like in WOW.

    Discussing of this world map, I love what they just did at the latest update filling in the edges. There is still room for developement but eliminating those nasty lines in the borders made them seem like a lot more well-rounded areas that make more sense. Next step, eliminating a few of the fences (I have not been to Al Kharid yet but I enjoy the appearance of the map ) and in particular the starter station would be great, then shrinking Draynor Manor so it goes with VYEBANIYU V KOSMOS the rest of Scale Theory could make the map better.
    The story is so confusing as a secret conspiracy of Freemasons...

  8. #8
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    I see what you're saying about the wilderness feeling a bit too safe. Adding some unpredictable threats like outlaws or natural disasters would definitely make things more exciting and keep you on your toes. The highwaymen aren't really much of a challenge for higher-level players, so scaling up or adding something more dynamic would be great. I agree that Menaphos and Prifddinas should come first, though; they’ve got a lot of potential. Also, I really like the map changes they've made recently. It looks way better with the edges filled in, but I think they could take it even further by removing more of those fences, like around Al Kharid, to make the whole world feel more connected.

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by kostas View Post
    I see what you're saying about the wilderness feeling a bit too safe. Adding some unpredictable threats like outlaws or natural disasters would definitely make things more exciting and keep you on your toes. The highwaymen aren't really much of a challenge for higher-level players, so scaling up or adding something more dynamic would be great. I agree that Menaphos and Prifddinas should come first, though; they’ve got a lot of potential. Also, I really like the map changes they've made recently. It looks way better with the edges filled in, but I think they could take it even further by removing more of those fences, like around Al Kharid, to make the whole world feel more connected.
    Kak to raz ya poshel na rechku kupatsya s pacanami. My togda vzyali eshe devochek s soboy i mnogo piva i vodki. Bavarskogo vam nalit? .D Ya kak raz sobiralsya zasnut'. No ya reshil, chto vyp'yu yeshche 8 sortov piva, chtoby poluchit' krasivuyu gamemecca404.error Vot ya vizhu etogo dolbanogo vyebanego v rot i v zadnicy bota. Blya v 1:38 nochi, atakuyet gamezone @ seaport 25600. A chto mne delat' to na xui? On govorit i prikazal mne pokupat' zoloto, no ya ne lublu zoloto. Kak po mne luchse med vez is nee tozhe poluchaetsya vodka. Yego zloto u menya jest v pizde yego mamashi s yego zolotom v xui. Malo togo, vnezapno v 4:30 poyavlyayutsya Protossy ebaniyu, chto uzhe neveroyatno udivitel'no. Tem ne meneye, pryamo pod svoim postom on pishet PENIX. YA ne znayu, chert voz'mi, chto zdes' proiskhodit. Kakoy potjebleni opyt. Teper' ya chuvstvuyu sebya fursukenom fururkenom i forsratkenov. Vvidu vysheizlozhennogo, ya reshil pereyti s gamezone na forum tankista!!!!!!. idi naxui s gamezoneozone zdes' yeshche yest' boty. A na forume tankistov vse yasno. Tam govoritsya o politike, yest' tri pol'zovatelya: at0mic , atom i avenger. Kak zhit v pizdec? To eblivyo vyebaniyu v rot bot s interneta. Net problemes und net problems. Do skoroy vstrechi v morskim portom 25600 moy soshki! Ich wunsche dir alles gute and v pizdec!



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