Well, it's time to make a justicy happen. I'm sorry to everyone whos feelings this thread can hurt, but it's worth to be created even now, in 2022.
Because now, in 2022, there are really few of us who are left in this game, and all of us should respect each other in game, by playing honestly. Every cheat attempt is just more than a silly in 2022, why you even dare to play like that now, Zdzichu? Is this that funny for you, or after tons of playhours you're still unable to compete with good players without cheats?
I've been told to check some demo with 2-3 players in the Hole map. Evgenyi ] All Games [ Kakutin is a Zdzichu there - an alias he kept using for some amounts of months, or even more.
After everything I've seen, I've been naturally shocked, not only by what I saw but also but how silly can a player be to play Hole 1v1 with cheats, being so sure noone will notice anything afterwards?
Well, for all of you, there are most intense moments of this game
Moment #1. The skeleton kept camping in the one place, and without any sound it wasn't hard to Zdzichu to find him. The only legit way to make it that easy could be observing him before, because the skeleton was camping there even before Zdzichu connected. But anyway, let's see that.
Moment #2. Afterwards we can see some moments twice, where Zdzichu missed his enemies a lot. What if I've created this thread as just a hater? Or what if it was a "cheats off" moment?
I didn't know, why I'm watching this demo for, until I've seen [Moment #3 which proves cheats for 100 %]. Look, it cannot be just a predicting, and there will be another videos like that:
Moment #4. Well, this still could be a predicting, but still looked like Zdzichu is so sure that his enemy is there.
Moment #5. Cheat which is used by Zdzichu is not always on, which keeps to be proven in this video, where Zdzichu has lost skeleton and thought he's still at corner. But it was just a start of this game