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  1. #1
    Join Date
    June 2003
    zeo stole them frags

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    HellRaizers vs Campers 2022 CW - let's do it

    So we had this 20th anniversary, let's make a clanwar.

    3at3 - LT, ST, Fort, Hole, TLT

    Our pleyers:

    Jay, Gosp/Pacul/Fors or HV

    Most of the maps the team would look like: Jay, Pacul Fors or Jay Gosp Pacul or Jay gosp fors

    I think this could be pretty nice and equal CW if Jack, Immo and Xfi played

    Let's do it!
    Where r my 115e? and now we Have a Problem.

    GameZone24.net Forums founder. The Director since 2003

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    great idea totally up for this! let's rock!

  3. #3
    Join Date
    March 2007

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    Good luck guys!
    watch unimaginable [2012]
    watch magnificent [2017]
    wait for ? [202x]

    solid as a rock, cold as ice and dark as the night (zeo) (c) amco 2023

  4. #4
    tak 4e....
    Join Date
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    I 4e??!! Wheres xf, wheres immo??!! Gde feedback frommm uuu??
    tak 4e...

  5. #5
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    well, you can close this thread, obviously they refuse to play by some reasons... or maybe without a reason

  6. #6
    Bad guy

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    What is going on here? Relax

    After all, we play teamgames every day for fun What is this unnecessary pressure for some cw?

    The main issue is that we have no 3rd player , Jack plays occasionally, Skyward is retired

    We are working on a top transfer from Immortals

    j/k xd

    And also I sometimes when I play these tgs, my wireless internet can drive me crazy(lags as hell) and I lose the fun of the game. I don't think we are able to do it now, but in near future yes. We'll see what JackOf's position is.

    Alternatively in the absence of that 3 player in our clan, as there is a desire to play cw for fun, maybe BadBoy would play with us? He is well ripped on tgs

  7. #7
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Hero View Post
    What is going on here? Relax

    After all, we play teamgames every day for fun What is this unnecessary pressure for some cw?

    The main issue is that we have no 3rd player , Jack plays occasionally, Skyward is retired

    We are working on a top transfer from Immortals

    j/k xd

    And also I sometimes when I play these tgs, my wireless internet can drive me crazy(lags as hell) and I lose the fun of the game. I don't think we are able to do it now, but in near future yes. We'll see what JackOf's position is.

    Alternatively in the absence of that 3 player in our clan, as there is a desire to play cw for fun, maybe BadBoy would play with us? He is well ripped on tgs
    thanks for your answer at least.

    All right, let's meet in teamgames then and that's all it's 2022 who wants to play cw's for fun?

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by Immortal Hero View Post
    What is going on here? Relax

    After all, we play teamgames every day for fun What is this unnecessary pressure for some cw?

    The main issue is that we have no 3rd player , Jack plays occasionally, Skyward is retired

    We are working on a top transfer from Immortals

    j/k xd

    And also I sometimes when I play these tgs, my wireless internet can drive me crazy(lags as hell) and I lose the fun of the game. I don't think we are able to do it now, but in near future yes. We'll see what JackOf's position is.

    Alternatively in the absence of that 3 player in our clan, as there is a desire to play cw for fun, maybe BadBoy would play with us? He is well ripped on tgs
    If we gotta talk like it's 2010-2012 again, I'll join it:

    Hey, I'm really proud to see an Immortals member being a dream for Campers Clan. It turns out we need to merge Immortals & Campers best players to compete with HellRaizers clan nowadays. However, after weeks of some train me, as Emperor doesn't need any help, and soon Immortals will come back into the shape it used to be years before. Some of our legends are inactive at the moment, but situation is going to be fixed. Gonna happen earlier than you imagine
    watch unimaginable [2012]
    watch magnificent [2017]
    wait for ? [202x]

    solid as a rock, cold as ice and dark as the night (zeo) (c) amco 2023

  9. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeo View Post
    If we gotta talk like it's 2010-2012 again, I'll join it:

    Hey, I'm really proud to see an Immortals member being a dream for Campers Clan. It turns out we need to merge Immortals & Campers best players to compete with HellRaizers clan nowadays. However, after weeks of some train me, as Emperor doesn't need any help, and soon Immortals will come back into the shape it used to be years before. Some of our legends are inactive at the moment, but situation is going to be fixed. Gonna happen earlier than you imagine
    BadBoy, Lexa, Zeo, Capri VS Chyl, Destroyer, High Voltage, Gospodin

    I'd die to watch this. If all of the listed players are also in top form then it's just

  10. #10
    Campers Clan
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    December 2008
    shotty trouble

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    ok ok I'll answer!

    I'm up 4 it. good internet, enough time. my hands are in better health now. it's just that we miss 3rd player... 2v2 cw is a thing? imo 2v2 is better anyway. I lose track of players if more than 4. 2v2 I can play smart otherwise just sniper spam. immo is also really good I must say. jack missing...
    'To tell you the truth, I can beat anyone in the world.' ~ Bruce Lee

  11. #11
    Campers Clan

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    Jack was there today, and I could potentially play if we do that in the afternoon before 18h CET (after my internet is ruined)

    ^ steam profile access ^

    Corsair • Asus • Razer • Beyerdynamic

  12. #12
    Join Date
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    zeo stole them frags

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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeo View Post
    If we gotta talk like it's 2010-2012 again, I'll join it:

    Hey, I'm really proud to see an Immortals member being a dream for Campers Clan. It turns out we need to merge Immortals & Campers best players to compete with HellRaizers clan nowadays. However, after weeks of some train me, as Emperor doesn't need any help, and soon Immortals will come back into the shape it used to be years before. Some of our legends are inactive at the moment, but situation is going to be fixed. Gonna happen earlier than you imagine
    eto i yest' vladelets toy samoy igrovoy zony 24 pravda igrali pod pivo bavarskoye vam bavarskogo nalit' ???
    Where r my 115e? and now we Have a Problem.

    GameZone24.net Forums founder. The Director since 2003

  13. #13
    Campers Clan
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    Hey guys, if the CW is scheduled in the afternoon, you can count me in, although I haven't played for almost 8 years now but I can try.

    brings back memories

  14. #14
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    finally) so let's discuss a date and time?

  15. #15
    Campers Clan
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    December 2008
    shotty trouble

    Downloads: 15  Uploads: 0

    but pls have some training be4 business guys
    'To tell you the truth, I can beat anyone in the world.' ~ Bruce Lee


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