my acc was pwned
my acc was pwned mail address was hacked
probably the smartest way to get email adresses ive seen yet
hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol.
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Vladislav ] Prottoss [ Director macCream po va6emu ot4estvu IMPERATOR
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Actually it doesn't matter and you're safe if you use different passwords for every single website. This site doesn't show that your email address was hacked. It shows the sites where you have registered at with your email address and these sites have been pwned aka hacked (their database has leaked). It means they've got your email and password (most likely still encrypted) which you've used to log in into your account.
What I mean by encrypted is that they know the enrypted password, but they don't know your password at all UNTIL the cracker decrypts it (lets say using hashcat).
An an example - in "username" field in database you had and your password was "ghosty115". in the database lets say in the field called "password" it will be a sequence of signs like: "$2a$12$LOb/M5pVfB.Izzv/jRBlCeZg6KDThcj/AGM/7ih71YFeBe9vaF5l2" which is called hash (I generated this hashed encrypted password manually using online enryption site using bcrypt method)
And what I mean about encrypted password - it depends on what type of encryption the hacked site was using to protect passwords stored in the database. If the encryption was strong enough (lets say bcrypt with additional salt and pepper) and your password was pretty long and not prone to dictionary attacks, it means you're kinda safe for awhile. Usually you don't know what protection the site was using so it's mandatory to change passwords if you use the same password everywhere (which is actually the most dangerous thing to do)
Last edited by HeLLspAWn; 16.04.2023 at 16:44. Reason: bad
Where r my 115e? and now we Have a Problem.
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post your screens? played yesterday? of today? no screens available? No screens of january? december 2022? november 2022? no played matches in sam? hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol. ~Vyebani User2023
yeah if u guys dont want ur accs get stolen use passwords like qwerty12345zxcvbtg1337228322 at least
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