So following assumptions from certain people that FE players do not want to join SE because they would get rekt - because SE players are a thousand time better, many players from FE proposed to verifiy if it was true by playing a community team game, in FE, but with OUR maps
So Milena and I have been working almost all the day to setup a FE server with Mazuto's ported SE maps into FE, and the server is finally on and working! (still need minor adjustements that will be done very soon) We will be uploading the map pack soon!
For now I would need to know who would be interested to play this game, use the poll above to choose which side you want to represent. Keep in mind that the teams has to be balanced and to do so, each side will be able to pick up one captain who will decide of which player he wants to compose his team with. Note that despite the format can vary from 3v3 to 5v5 depending the availability of the players. Teams may also vary from one map to another (if someone hates a map, he/she can be replaced by another player).
Game will be played in 3 maps (Best of 3) most probably LT, Hole and Fortress.
Time will be a saturday evening/night but is not determined yet.