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View Poll Results: If you want to play, which community do you want to represent?

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  1. #31
    Rent A Car
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    Everyone asking whats the point in these maps, here we go:

    1. TFE is the game that started it all it's a shame that it has only 1 dm map, it was my way to pay respect so I ported 40+ aka all official maps made for SS classic (xbox, warped TFE, warped TSE, TSE, SS gold, SS alpha)

    2. All maps have been rebalanced in fact I want to make them best as possible and would prefer more test runs to make an even better item placement.

    3. TFE in general has a different balance, different FOV, Tommy is more of an automatic sniper, it's not unbalanced as you think since minigun and explosives deal more damage as well, and have different bullet spread.

    4. TFE players are used to only 1 map aka Desert Temple, DT ported in TSE felt entirely different yet we beat the Immortals in that map in TSE in out last clanwar, yet we couldnt use any of our actual developed strategies, I want TSE players to experience that same feel while playing their beloved overpracticed TSE maps in a different game

    5. Jack is a total pro I'd say best current player and he would obliderate all of us in TSE I'm sure in that, pacul and sharlatan are also constant active player similar with peonix, our best guys had a 15 year break, I had a very big break too (how much we play can easily be tracked and seen on 42's site). Playing in the game we are more used to will simply give us a little bit more of a fighting chance, that's only fair. When was the last TFE clanwar or any proper event for that's sake? If it wasnt for TFE nothing else would exist, it's the starting line and it deserves some love.

    Thank you for reading through my reasons.
    . . : : Turkish Brothers : : . . #M@ZUT0#

    1/8 Italian, 100% Stallion

  2. #32
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    I want to see proof of that Immortals game 0_o
    Vladislav ] Prottoss [ Director macCream po va6emu ot4estvu DIRECTOR

    Vladislav ] Prottoss [ Director macCream po va6emu ot4estvu IMPERATOR

    Susperme Leader of GameZloty115.btc
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  3. #33
    Rent A Car
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    Just check the TB vs Immortals demo.
    - Domino and I played TSE for like 2 weeks before that and Sniper wasnt a prominent TSE player either so we a TFE clan made an exception to go to YOUR game, as a friendly event, yet some people here like to troll and make fun of it??? Talking about complexes...
    Protos, I want to see you play, please participate in this event
    Last edited by Mazuto; 16.05.2023 at 13:31.
    . . : : Turkish Brothers : : . . #M@ZUT0#

    1/8 Italian, 100% Stallion

  4. #34
    VPN Elite

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazuto View Post
    Just check the TB vs Immortals demo.
    - Domino and I played TSE for like 2 weeks before that and Sniper wasnt a prominent TSE player either so we a TFE clan made an exception to go to YOUR game, as a friendly event, yet some mf's here like to troll and make fun of it??? Talking about complexes...
    Protos, I want to see you play instead of shitpost and nolife-ing GZ forums, in fact, please participate in this event
    why would we cooparte with a trashtalker like you in first place? there's absolutely no reason to be so disrespectful in this topic

    anyway good job on porting the tse maps whatsoever...

    hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol.

  5. #35
    Rent A Car
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    I'm not disrespectful at all, In fact I saw you troll in other topics too.
    You, Protos and Forsaken. I don't need your cooperation brother.
    Behave the way other players behave to you, I never saw any of our players (we dont count ghosty) to be disrespectful to any of you, in fact, I stayed silent and ignored all that stuff and went with nice peaceful answers, but I see it doesn't make a difference whatsoever.
    . . : : Turkish Brothers : : . . #M@ZUT0#

    1/8 Italian, 100% Stallion

  6. #36
    Naabii Bellatores
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    Please guys we dont need any fight here.
    Theres a tension tho...good to let it out while the teamgame

    Thread on 42amsterdam.net is on


    I am glad a lot willing to participate

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  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazuto View Post
    I'm not disrespectful at all, In fact I saw you troll in other topics too.
    You, Protos and Forsaken. I don't need your cooperation brother.
    Behave the way other players behave to you, I never saw any of our players (we dont count ghosty) to be disrespectful to any of you, in fact, I stayed silent and ignored all that crap and went with nice peaceful answers, but I see it doesn't make a difference whatsoever.
    i dont even know who you are, but calling me a motherfucker isnt very helpful dont you think?
    if you dont like the troll, dont feed him...

    please calm down and be a little more professional and stop using phrases like nolife and the mf thingy, we dont need that here alright?

    the subject of this event is not to cure any trauma but have fun instead, anyone disagrees?

    hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol.

  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Prottoss of GZ wow View Post
    I want to see proof of that Immortals game 0_o
    yeah we lost that map back then but it wasnt a problem on other maps. I apologise for burglary but it came mainly because of me

  9. #39
    Rent A Car
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    I didn't call you a mf, in my original post I reffered to people on GZ that troll as mfs, since you are being respectful I cleared the posts.
    Respect is not a one way road.

    Forsaken, I take the appology and apologise aswell for calling you out. I like how we are finally being civilised brothers!
    . . : : Turkish Brothers : : . . #M@ZUT0#

    1/8 Italian, 100% Stallion

  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazuto View Post
    I didn't call you a mf, in my original post I reffered to people on GZ that troll as mfs, since you are being respectful I cleared the posts.
    Respect is not a one way road.

    Forsaken, I take the appology and apologise aswell for calling you out. I like how we are finally being civilised brothers!
    now that's a better tone

    calling me motherfucker and then brother is super weird tho xd

    i personally would love to play yodeller on tfe - giving me nostalgic vibes, maybe as aftershow party

    hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol.

  11. #41
    Campers Clan

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazuto View Post
    Everyone asking whats the point in these maps, here we go:

    1. TFE is the game that started it all it's a shame that it has only 1 dm map, it was my way to pay respect so I ported 40+ aka all official maps made for SS classic (xbox, warped TFE, warped TSE, TSE, SS gold, SS alpha)

    2. All maps have been rebalanced in fact I want to make them best as possible and would prefer more test runs to make an even better item placement.

    3. TFE in general has a different balance, different FOV, Tommy is more of an automatic sniper, it's not unbalanced as you think since minigun and explosives deal more damage as well, and have different bullet spread.

    4. TFE players are used to only 1 map aka Desert Temple, DT ported in TSE felt entirely different yet we beat the Immortals in that map in TSE in out last clanwar, yet we couldnt use any of our actual developed strategies, I want TSE players to experience that same feel while playing their beloved overpracticed TSE maps in a different game

    5. Jack is a total pro I'd say best current player and he would obliderate all of us in TSE I'm sure in that, pacul and sharlatan are also constant active player similar with peonix, our best guys had a 15 year break, I had a very big break too (how much we play can easily be tracked and seen on 42's site). Playing in the game we are more used to will simply give us a little bit more of a fighting chance, that's only fair. When was the last TFE clanwar or any proper event for that's sake? If it wasnt for TFE nothing else would exist, it's the starting line and it deserves some love.

    Thank you for reading through my reasons.
    it is, imo, useless to try to rebalance the maps, we've been playing those maps (pratically) the exact same way they were originally designed and it's always been alright, I've seen for example lasergun in little trouble which is a total no go for me (which is why I said server needed small adjustements, I will surely fix that with the weapon mutator)

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  12. #42
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    Mazuto you talk of respect and you can't even spell my name right...

    the hypocrisy is strong with this one
    Vladislav ] Prottoss [ Director macCream po va6emu ot4estvu DIRECTOR

    Vladislav ] Prottoss [ Director macCream po va6emu ot4estvu IMPERATOR

    Susperme Leader of GameZloty115.btc
    Susperme Leader of Immortals
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    Susperme KING of FRANCE
    Susperme Leader of Devils

  13. #43
    Rent A Car
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    In TFE it cant work the same like in TSE, should I remove the laser from LT and Fortress?

    Vladimir, whatever
    . . : : Turkish Brothers : : . . #M@ZUT0#

    1/8 Italian, 100% Stallion

  14. #44
    MobbingZone24 Elite

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazuto View Post
    In TFE it cant work the same like in TSE, should I remove the laser from LT and Fortress?
    Improvise. Adapt. Overcome.

  15. #45
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazuto View Post
    should I remove the laser from LT and Fortress?
    I'll try to tweak the maps with the mutator, if it doesn't work then I will need you to set the maps at their original settings yes

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