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  1. #31
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    Almost no one wants to play TFE Desert Temple? Then why Amcotrad offered fairly that GZ guys fight us on DT and we will move to TSE to ur conditions?
    As I said, everyone is cooking their own soup and now even with too much salt.
    that wasn't an offer but an idea / suggestion since you (and sky) are one of the organisers and can find a compromise

    i do not represent gamezone and just tried to help

    you translated a word in a wrong way that changes the whole subject and put my name onto it, its like stabbing me in the back

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by Skyward View Post
    Amcotrad offered, none else, I did tell you he always speaks for everyone without knowing other people's opinion
    finding a compromise is your job, never intented to steal it

    hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol.

  2. #32
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    So if you have enough players I will step aside
    I can play mostly sundays and every other week after 23.20 CET

    and who said SE players don't want to play DT in FE?
    Tell me... where should i go? To the left,
    where nothing is right? Or to the right,
    where nothing is left?

  3. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pheonix View Post
    So if you have enough players I will step aside
    I can play mostly sundays and every other week after 23.20 CET

    and who said SE players don't want to play DT in FE?
    I still think everyone should have the oppertunity to play if they are so inclined.
    You wanted to participate so i think there should be a place for you. But that is just my opinion.
    "Heve nais dee. Dont wurry, ill be fain, i prohmis ju."

  4. #34
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pheonix View Post
    So if you have enough players I will step aside
    I can play mostly sundays and every other week after 23.20 CET

    and who said SE players don't want to play DT in FE?
    maybe because i'm still the only one of the GZ team who voted for DT in the poll? we'll be 3, 4 very max

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  5. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmcoTraD View Post
    that wasn't an offer but an idea / suggestion since you (and sky) are one of the organisers and can find a compromise

    i do not represent gamezone and just tried to help

    you translated a word in a wrong way that changes the whole subject and put my name onto it, its like stabbing me in the back

    - - - Updated - - -

    finding a compromise is your job, never intented to steal it
    Sorry, but i have to interfere. What does putting your idea into the group has to do with backstabbing, Amcotrad? I read from the shoutbox that you asked Milena what the group found of your proposal.
    "Heve nais dee. Dont wurry, ill be fain, i prohmis ju."

  6. #36
    Naabii Bellatores
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmcoTraD View Post
    that wasn't an offer but an idea / suggestion since you (and sky) are one of the organisers and can find a compromise

    i do not represent gamezone and just tried to help

    you translated a word in a wrong way that changes the whole subject and put my name onto it, its like stabbing me in the back

    - - - Updated - - -

    finding a compromise is your job, never intented to steal it
    Backstabbing cause u asked me what my group is saying about ur proposal? If that is backstabbing for u than u never really experienced one.
    I literally backed up ur proposal/suggestion/offer/idea or whatever u wanna call it, to make it comfortable for everyone cause that what u actually said "Compromises".
    Uff, that was the last time I am playing Postman for anyone.

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  7. #37
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gamezoner1999 View Post
    So again only for the professionals? This is really dissapointing in my opinion. This means that this is nothing more than a group of men comparing testosterone levels. And about the shortage of SE players, i think some 42 adam players are willing to team up with GZ24. For alot of players its an oppertunity to have fun and improve their battling skills. And overall bring the 2 communities closer together. Since all this rivalry between both communities is so immature and childish and above all a waste of time for a game that has already so few players.

    Milena already introduced the start of this with her discipline and motivation to keep this game alive. We cannot put all the pressure on her alone. But im going off topic, although i think this has to be said.
    I don't care about rivalry, just that we have a fun game. We insited to have gz vs adam, so it will be brutal in tse. I don't care who is on my team and don't care if I wouldn't be selected. That's the captains job.
    Just have fun, prep for the next tournament and have more fun

    Missed half the posts before I posted this. But don't think that really matters.

    Already suggested this, will do it again. Set a date and time. Players can subscribe to play. Chose 2 captains and they decide the players into groups (each picking one after another tse and tfe mixed). Date and time is already set and players already agreed to that, so on the day just play the damn games. That would in my opinion be the fairest way to combine the two communities. (Although we from 42 Adam Elites would clearly own everything coz we have bigger dicks *wink*).
    Last edited by Evolta; 20.05.2023 at 00:42. Reason: good

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  8. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by Gamezoner1999 View Post
    Sorry, but i have to interfere. What does putting your idea into the group has to do with backstabbing, Amcotrad? I read from the shoutbox that you asked Milena what the group found of your proposal.
    you are using the correct words at least, thank you.
    my problem is skywards post, please take a look at it

    skyward thought milena made a deal based on my „offer“ behind his back

    thats why he got upset and attacked me

    i only got attacked by skyward because milena did a mistake obvisously

    this is all kindergarten shit tbh, can we just play sam please and come to a conclusion ? xd

    hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol.

  9. #39
    Naabii Bellatores
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmcoTraD View Post
    you are using the correct words at least, thank you.
    my problem is skywards post, please take a look at it

    skyward thought milena made a deal based on my „offer“ behind his back

    thats why he got upset and attacked me

    i only got attacked by skyward because milena did a mistake obvisously

    this is all kondergarten shit tbh, can we just play sam please and come to a conclusion ? xd
    I did no mistake cause I actually told skyward about ur "offer".
    Lieber Herr Gott ich red hier meinen Mund echt fusselig und keiner hört anständig zu -.-

    - - - Updated - - -

    Quote Originally Posted by AmcoTraD View Post
    and then why did skyward attack me?
    I guess u completly missunderstood. The actuall discussion was about the set up and not anymore about if we play on TFE or TSE, cause this is fix now.
    I mentioned ur offer to credit u cause imo and a lot other opinions it was a good idea and also u wanted me to ask my group. 17 voted for it and Skyward didnt like the idea from beginning but he accepted nonetheless.
    Why he attacked u I dont know and I cant see where he attacked u.

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  10. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    Almost no one wants to play TFE Desert Temple? Then why Amcotrad offered fairly that GZ guys fight us on DT a
    because this is a plain lie
    at this state i did not know about the gamezone members resonance
    I suggested everyone play on DT Fe and then hop on TSE but didnt know if gz people also like the idea

    this appears to be the fairest solution IMO

    IMO - means „in my opinion“

    hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol.

  11. #41
    Naabii Bellatores
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmcoTraD View Post
    because this is a plain lie
    at this state i did not know about the gamezone members resonance
    I suggested everyone play on DT Fe and then hop on TSE but didnt know about gz people

    this appears to be the fairest solution IMO

    IMO - means „in my opinion“
    So whats the problem? I didnt know either that gz guys scared to fight us on DT

    Falls sie zurückkommen,vergiss nicht wie sie dich verlassen haben
    I carry the fire for moy director xoro6ij


  12. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    So whats the problem? I didnt know either that gz guys scared to fight us on DT
    we about to find this out

    hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol.

  13. #43
    Naabii Bellatores
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    Quote Originally Posted by AmcoTraD View Post
    we about to find this out
    Just wait for it

    Falls sie zurückkommen,vergiss nicht wie sie dich verlassen haben
    I carry the fire for moy director xoro6ij


  14. #44
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    zeo stole them frags

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    Ok by this reason of total ueban'a'like proposals I want to make it clear.

    Tourney - him will happen him wanted it and idi naxyii

    Reason: TSE - maps will be pleyed in the following non-ueban but xoro6ij order:

    1 - LT aka little trouble
    2 - ST - aka shotty trouble - this xfi will hewe an orgasm
    3. FORTRESS - aka fort - gospodin penix will participate and if not just po6el na xer.
    4. HOLE aka hole - pley and xyi v 4opu
    5. THE LOST TOMB AKA TLT - him must be pleyed and if him not played i turn russian court


    Desert Temple - 3at3+ and noone kladit' xyi on this

    By this reason rules are ready. Now just time and date chosen will later.

    Zeo first recorded on moy list, damirka second and send fotki of titki
    Last edited by HeLLspAWn; 20.05.2023 at 02:12. Reason: bad
    Where r my 115e? and now we Have a Problem.

    GameZone24.net Forums founder. The Director since 2003

  15. #45
    Naabii Bellatores
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeLLspAWn View Post
    Ok by this reason of total ueban'a'like proposals I want to make it clear.

    Tourney - him will happen him wanted it and idi naxyii

    Reason: TSE - maps will be pleyed in the following non-ueban but xoro6ij order:

    1 - LT aka little trouble
    2 - ST - aka shotty trouble - this xfi will hewe an orgasm
    3. FORTRESS - aka fort - gospodin penix will participate and if not just po6el na xer.
    4. HOLE aka hole - pley and xyi v 4opu
    5. THE LOST TOMB AKA TLT - him must be pleyed and if him not played i turn russian court


    Desert Temple - 3at3+ and noone kladit' xyi on this

    By this reason rules are ready. Now just time and date chosen will later.

    Zeo first recorded on moy list, damirka second and send fotki of titki

    Falls sie zurückkommen,vergiss nicht wie sie dich verlassen haben
    I carry the fire for moy director xoro6ij



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