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  1. #61
    Naabii Bellatores
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    42 adam particpate Results.png

    Participation results of 42adam Team

    Falls sie zurückkommen,vergiss nicht wie sie dich verlassen haben
    I carry the fire for moy director xoro6ij


  2. #62
    Campers Clan

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    Quote Originally Posted by Salker90 View Post
    i would be in as a gz24member , why are you turning in this in who is the best what game is better etc when this should be a fun event? i don’t get it…

    ps: did u guys really kept playing only one map over and over LOL, why wouldn’t you guys switch to se ?
    because it all started from some SE player pretending FE players would get total rekt because the skill gap in SE is much bigger than in FE

    It was a challenge, now it's a "fun game"

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  3. #63
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    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    What means team balance ??? What mean 1. beginner 2. ] avarage [ 3. sprosit zabuli and 4 everyone who want to play can play ???
    Do you people want to play a match where people are matched or no? Because GZ does not offer anyone in the lower categories, I don't think people here crawl around on Discord asking randoms they found on the side of the road if they want to register on 42 and play 4 fun aka ] don't worry we r all pros [.
    I thought the point is that you wanted to see if FE players have a skill issue or they don't and it's because of the game itself (hence all the talking about playing Mazuto's ported maps) so you would gather your BEST and play FE against SE players on SE maps in FE and also FE map itself in FE as a finisher.
    But it seems like the more dyslexic the individual born in 1999 becomes the more the meaning of this "event" is lost too.
    I have always played for lower team, so yeah. Im up
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  4. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pheonix View Post
    I have always played for lower team, so yeah. Im up
    Supersniper is right though, GZ has no more lower tier player, and you are no rookie anymore. Jack and maybe Aberration on fire stands above us at the moment but all the remaining GZ players are pratically as good as each other

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  5. #65
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    Quote Originally Posted by Supersniper98 View Post
    What means team balance ??? What mean 1. beginner 2. ] avarage [ 3. sprosit zabuli and 4 everyone who want to play can play ???
    Do you people want to play a match where people are matched or no? Because GZ does not offer anyone in the lower categories, I don't think people here crawl around on Discord asking randoms they found on the side of the road if they want to register on 42 and play 4 fun aka ] don't worry we r all pros [.
    I thought the point is that you wanted to see if FE players have a skill issue or they don't and it's because of the game itself (hence all the talking about playing Mazuto's ported maps) so you would gather your BEST and play FE against SE players on SE maps in FE and also FE map itself in FE as a finisher.
    But it seems like the more dyslexic the individual born in 1999 becomes the more the meaning of this "event" is lost too.
    You call me dyslexic but yet your english vocabulary and grammar correctness is at the level of a 12 year old
    If you cant type a decent english sentence and have no relevant opinion may i suggest you do not participate at all
    "Heve nais dee. Dont wurry, ill be fain, i prohmis ju."

  6. #66
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyward View Post
    Supersniper is right though, GZ has no more lower tier player, and you are no rookie anymore. Jack and maybe Aberration on fire stands above us at the moment but all the remaining GZ players are pratically as good as each other
    There is still a big differences in skills amoung us

    And in my situation; how i play it depends on my mood.
    When i get the right mood i can almost perfect XF/PACUL in st/lt like a joke and like versa with them against me .D
    Tell me... where should i go? To the left,
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  7. #67
    Fiat Punto
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    Quote Originally Posted by Pheonix View Post
    There is still a big differences in skills amoung us

    And in my situation; how i play it depends on my mood.
    When i get the right mood i can almost perfect XF/PACUL in st/lt like a joke and like versa with them against me .D
    Maybe inconsistencies between you but can you ever imagine yourself losing against for example Ghosty who flexes with wins against Tankist? All of you are good, just sometimes one of you rages on the match and gets rekt by the other soshka .D

  8. #68
    Rent A Car
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    Updated mappack, fixed shadow issues.

    Note: Only way we agree on playing the event

    The event is being held in TFE, the first blood the number one
    the game that started it all.

    round one:

    42 chooses 2 maps of their liking

    GZ chooses 2 maps of their liking

    it's 3v3 or 4v4 depending on the number of available players
    (taking notice that emergancy arrangements can be made)

    Maps 42 players choose will be played by 42's rules,
    maps GZ players choose will be played by their rules.

    Results will go through the standard GZ threatment of evaluating results and publishing professionaly by their liking.

    Round two:

    42 and GZ choose 2 more maps each.
    number of players is as much as it can be gathered 8v8 if possible.
    Everyone gets a chance to play.
    Non-formal part of the event, results wont be published, no hearts shall be broken, the event ends in peace and the next one is being organised the way GZ likes it.

    This offer is "take it or leave it".
    Last edited by Mazuto; 20.05.2023 at 19:12.
    . . : : Turkish Brothers : : . . #M@ZUT0#

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  9. #69
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazuto View Post

    Updated mappack, fixed shadow issues.

    Note: Only way we agree on playing the event

    The event is being held in TFE, the first blood the number one
    the game that started it all.

    round one:

    42 chooses 2 maps of their liking

    GZ chooses 2 maps of their liking

    it's 3v3 or 4v4 depending on the number of available players
    (taking notice that emergancy arrangements can be made)

    Maps 42 players choose will be played by 42's rules,
    maps GZ players choose will be played by their rules.

    Results will go through the standard GZ threatment of evaluating results and publishing professionaly by their liking.

    Round two:

    42 and GZ choose 2 more maps each.
    number of players is as much as it can be gathered 8v8 if possible.
    Everyone gets a chance to play.
    Non-formal part of the event, results wont be published, no hearts shall be broken, the event ends in peace and the next one is being organised the way GZ likes it.

    This offer is "take it or leave it".
    now this looks like it's serious. What do you say about this, Skyward? For me looks 100% balanced for both teams.

  10. #70
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    i still cant understand is this for "win" or for "spending time having fun playing teamgames between 2 communities".

    i still cant uderstand why there is FUCKING SHOTTY TROUBLE aka LT WITH DOUBLESHOTGUNS ? can we play at least ONE event without it? we can play TLT, FORTRESS or even YODELLER, but not this shitmap for closeminded fucks who can only be good with one weapon.

    i just (not still) cant understand why metaliman is claimed himself as a captain. well actually if all this for "spending time having fun playing teamgames between 2 communities" its ok, but i guess in this case - we dont even need a "captain" and other cybersport bullshit. if all this for "win" - sorry donovan, i cant see you even at the bench. the captain is jayzor, and "team for win" is - jay, pacul, xf, jack. bench - renato, forsaken.
    BUT - just read the very first line in my post.

    after reading all of this, i can say one thing - IM NOT OUT OF THIS, but im not sure if i want to play this mess.

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  11. #71
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    Did jay vote for captain? Or did only Skyward do for gz captain? Feels a little bit late to complain about that now if skyward was the only one interested.

    Map is apparently popular, deal with it

    Ofcourse we play to win when the game begins. Even if I have 500 ping and yellow and red spikes and play with total noobs I will try to play as good as possible during the game. Doesn't mean we can't have fun while doing so. For me personally just getting a game up between the versions of the game is great. Maybe we can see that they are not so different and we can cross those barrier a bit more often. I can use some more teamgames in the future, they are frustrating and fun at the same time.

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  12. #72
    Naabii Bellatores
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    In my personal, professional opinion the best captain for GZ24 would be...me
    Well becaaaause ! With me we all know it will be hell of a fun teamgame and also all of u will have the smallest D*cks and the main and especially most important thing is that, all of u will lose

    Falls sie zurückkommen,vergiss nicht wie sie dich verlassen haben
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  13. #73
    Rent A Car
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack View Post
    i still cant understand is this for "win" or for "spending time having fun playing teamgames between 2 communities".

    i still cant uderstand why there is FUCKING SHOTTY TROUBLE aka LT WITH DOUBLESHOTGUNS ? can we play at least ONE event without it? we can play TLT, FORTRESS or even YODELLER, but not this shitmap for closeminded fucks who can only be good with one weapon.

    i just (not still) cant understand why metaliman is claimed himself as a captain. well actually if all this for "spending time having fun playing teamgames between 2 communities" its ok, but i guess in this case - we dont even need a "captain" and other cybersport bullshit. if all this for "win" - sorry donovan, i cant see you even at the bench. the captain is jayzor, and "team for win" is - jay, pacul, xf, jack. bench - renato, forsaken.
    BUT - just read the very first line in my post.

    after reading all of this, i can say one thing - IM NOT OUT OF THIS, but im not sure if i want to play this mess.
    I'll clarify, but please just read what I wrote in that long post.

    First part of the event is for win, each side chooses their 2 maps, their rules and players, it's most likely going to be 4v4, we have an approximate date in mind as well.

    Also, is it really important who is the formal "captain"?
    You guys should work together, deciding on the optimal teams and rules.
    . . : : Turkish Brothers : : . . #M@ZUT0#

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  14. #74
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    I have been thinking about it since yesterday and today I have made the decision to simply cancel this match. At least it is cancelled under my organization. You guys feel free to organize one from your side if you wish but i'm done.

    And even in the case someone manages to remake this match organization, I won't be playing because playing just "for fun" does not interest me.

    I will also retire from ANY event organization as it appears to be simply impossible to organize something anymore without causing a shitstorm of people complaining about literally everything. I swear it is harder to organize this than an entire clan tournament.


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