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  1. #1
    Rent A Car
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    Community Showmatch Re-organised

    For this particular event we offer this:

    The event is being held in TFE, the first blood the number one
    the game that started it all.


    -Team 42 choose 2 maps of their liking

    -Team GZ choose 2 maps of their liking

    ~It's a 4v4 depending on the number of available players.
    (taking notice that emergency arrangements can be made)

    -Maps 42 players choose will be played by 42's rules,
    -Maps GZ players choose will be played by their rules.

    ~Results will go through the standard GZ treatment of evaluating results and publishing professionally by their liking.


    - Both teams choose 2 more maps each.

    -The number of players is as much as possible, 7v7 due to engine limitations.

    -Everyone gets a chance to play.

    -Non-formal part of the event, results wont get published,
    no hearts shall be broken,
    the event ends in peace.
    The next one is being organized by GZ and the way GZ likes it.

    This is our offer to GZ and it's "take it or leave it", being pragmatic to some minor adjustments.

    ~Our proposed date is postponed and to be determined
    (I call everyone to discuss the exact time)

    For ROUND ONE we choose the following settings:
    (for our 2 maps)

    ~Serious difficulty
    ~Unlimited ammo
    ~30 Frags
    ~No time limit
    ~3 seconds of invulnerability upon respawning
    Super armor and health removed by the server
    Cannon removed by the server

    ~We choose to play Righteous Robert aka the RED skin.

    ~42 Team for ROUND ONE:
    -Nic Z Tego

    Maps: (maps team 42 chooses for round one)
    1. Desert Temple
    2. (to be decided)

    Second round, aka the non-formal rules, maps and players haven't been decided on yet but EVERYONE will get a chance to play!

    Notice: Team GZ, please submit your players, 2 maps, rules, how your team is going to be called...

    The Map pack required to be extracted to TFE

    Last edited by Mazuto; 04.06.2023 at 12:01.
    . . : : Turkish Brothers : : . . #M@ZUT0#

    1/8 Italian, 100% Stallion

  2. #2
    Fiat Punto
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    November 2013

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    Nice serious diff also how are you gonna

    Quote Originally Posted by Mazuto View Post
    -The number of players is as much as possible, 8v8 or more.
    I will be happy for you if you gather 7 at 7 but Classic server can't handle more don't look what the max slots on the server are...

  3. #3
    Rent A Car
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    Also, people who don't play don't have the right to commentate on any of the decisioning process, and their heckling will be ignored rightfully so.

    Edit: I'm going to take Mr. Sniper's word for it and edited the original post, thank you for the heads up.
    . . : : Turkish Brothers : : . . #M@ZUT0#

    1/8 Italian, 100% Stallion

  4. #4
    Join Date
    June 2003
    zeo stole them frags

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    The limitation is 6at6.

    13th joins = server crash
    Where r my 115e? and now we Have a Problem.

    GameZone24.net Forums founder. The Director since 2003

  5. #5
    Rent A Car
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeLLspAWn View Post
    The limitation is 6at6.

    13th joins = server crash
    In TFE too?

    Sharlatan, do you agree with everything stated above and is the match continuing?
    . . : : Turkish Brothers : : . . #M@ZUT0#

    1/8 Italian, 100% Stallion

  6. #6
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    so, serious diff and all maps will be played in tfe?

    Negative ex-member
    TheUntouchables ex-member
    Devils ex-member
    HellRaiZers co-founder
    Current team - Campers

    also known as:
    Pull Ya? Let It Doll Go!
    Artorias the Abysswalker
    Raime the Fume Knight
    Ornstein the Dragonslayer

  7. #7
    Rent A Car
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    Quote Originally Posted by Jack View Post
    so, serious diff and all maps will be played in tfe?
    No, serious diff is only on the 2 maps Team 42 chooses, on the maps you guys aka GZ choose, they are played with your rules (normal diff, limited ammo...)
    Yes the whole event is played in TFE, with the map pack provided up.
    . . : : Turkish Brothers : : . . #M@ZUT0#

    1/8 Italian, 100% Stallion

  8. #8
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    alright, 2 maps vs 2 maps looks fair enough, im obviously up for this

    Negative ex-member
    TheUntouchables ex-member
    Devils ex-member
    HellRaiZers co-founder
    Current team - Campers

    also known as:
    Pull Ya? Let It Doll Go!
    Artorias the Abysswalker
    Raime the Fume Knight
    Ornstein the Dragonslayer

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    mjá, the rules seem to be just, so when it comes to dates and everything else, just hit me up when I should be ready .D I pley for GZ

    *~>>Devils Ultimate d'Erektor<<~*

    People who lead a very successful business, usually tend to have extremely low freetime which results in depressions.
    The only thing that matters is personal happines and health, money can destroy both.
    ~Amco 2016

    It doesnt matter what you look like, or what stereotype you fulfill as long, as you're modest
    and respectful towards everyone, and feel comfortable about yourself.
    ~Amco 2020

    post your screens? played yesterday? of today? no screens available? No screens of january? december 2022? november 2022? no played matches in sam? hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol. ~Vyebani User 2023

  10. #10
    Rent A Car
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    Quote Originally Posted by GraphX of GZ wow View Post
    mjá, the rules seem to be just, so when it comes to dates and everything else, just hit me up when I should be ready .D I pley for GZ
    Thank you mister, we considered around 10th June
    . . : : Turkish Brothers : : . . #M@ZUT0#

    1/8 Italian, 100% Stallion

  11. #11
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    goodluck everyone and don't forget to record demos I can't play atm but I hope you all have much fun there

    btw, as I think FrenckMartin is none other than XaeroN I really wish some luck for GZ team

  12. #12
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    btw, if this event takes place, and proceeds to be played just fine, why don't we play some teamgames on TSE afterwards? if this event is "for win" let's play also "to have fun"

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken View Post
    btw, if this event takes place, and proceeds to be played just fine, why don't we play some teamgames on TSE afterwards? if this event is "for win" let's play also "to have fun"

    The First Encounter

    The Second Encounter

  14. #14
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken View Post
    btw, if this event takes place, and proceeds to be played just fine, why don't we play some teamgames on TSE afterwards? if this event is "for win" let's play also "to have fun"
    Gotta agree with fururken
    Tell me... where should i go? To the left,
    where nothing is right? Or to the right,
    where nothing is left?

  15. #15
    Rent A Car
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken View Post
    btw, if this event takes place, and proceeds to be played just fine, why don't we play some teamgames on TSE afterwards? if this event is "for win" let's play also "to have fun"
    For sure :3
    . . : : Turkish Brothers : : . . #M@ZUT0#

    1/8 Italian, 100% Stallion


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