Tak 4e she wanted it and idi naxuiiiiiiiiii
Okay guys, we didn't have a long tdm evening for a while (I believe you had but I missed it, as usually). I missed playing TDM so let's make it!
:: RULES ::
Game: Serious Sam: The Second Encounter
Version: 1.07 / steam (sorry 1.05, I still remember you my old love, but we brake up a long ago, you became too old and I don't love you anymore)
Cheats allowed: no
Trashtalking allowed: maybe
Leaving after 2 games allowed: no, even if you're a competive player
Bad teams allowed: no (moy director horo6iy remember it!!!!!!!!!!)
Playing being rusty allowed to find a good excuses for a bad score: YES
So write if you're gonna join us! Leave your parties for one evening, you're not 20 anymore!
Tell your wifes / girlfriends / boyfriends / kids you're busy!
Nothing but serious semen
Eblivye players:
1) Zeo
2) Milena
3) Destroyer
4) MarkX
5) Forsaken
7) Skyward
8) GraphX
Shotty Trouble 3v3
Team 1 (65 frags): Zeo (don't lose your heart), Forsaken, Milena (Nabi)
Team 2 (51 frags): Destroyer MarkX, PACUL (xf pidor)
Little Trouble 3v4
Team 1 (51* frags): Destroyer, Zeo (don't lose your heart), PACUL (xf pidor)
Team 2 (18 frags): Skyward, Milena (Nabi), Forsaken, MarkX
*PACUL has killed another player who has joined in the middle of the game, so his frag wasn't counted
Yodeller 3v3
Team 1 (71 frags): Destroyer, Skyward, MarkX
Team 2 (34 frags): Zeo (don't lose your heart), Forsaken, Milena (Nabi)
Hole 4v4
Team 1 (84 frags): Destroyer, Skyward, GraphX, MarkX
Team 2 (33 frags): Zeo (don't lose your heart), Forsaken, Milena (Nabi), PACUL (xf pidor)
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