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  1. #16
    Rent A Car
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    Count me out I have a promotion of my new book, and will have to read some lyrics, thought it was happening tomorrow :/
    . . : : Turkish Brothers : : . . #M@ZUT0#

    1/8 Italian, 100% Stallion

  2. #17
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mazuto View Post
    Count me out I have a promotion of my new book, and will have to read some lyrics, thought it was happening tomorrow :/
    Thanks for letting us know
    watch unimaginable [2012]
    watch magnificent [2017]
    wait for ? [202x]

    solid as a rock, cold as ice and dark as the night (zeo) (c) amco 2023

  3. #18
    Naabii Bellatores
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    Falls sie zurückkommen,vergiss nicht wie sie dich verlassen haben
    I carry the fire for moy director xoro6ij


  4. #19
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    Full results coming tomorrow, thanks everyone for playing

    @ Cannibal: I see you are new in teamgames and seems like you didn't know that we always say "leave" if someone is joining in the middle of the match. That's like an unwritten rule. I'm sorry for misunderstanding and if that offended you, didn't want to do it! My apologizes
    watch unimaginable [2012]
    watch magnificent [2017]
    wait for ? [202x]

    solid as a rock, cold as ice and dark as the night (zeo) (c) amco 2023

  5. #20
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    zeo stole them frags

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    Yes, if you see an even number of people, it's better to first join as observer and see what's going on (you can ask in game if they play a match or just wait for people). Entering a teamgames full of focused people doing 2at2+ results in people gettin' mad because someone is disturbing the match. As our xoro6ij imperator said - it's an unwritten rule. I couldn't participate but you should just take it easy, because people rapidly spamming messages to leave the game is a normal behavior when this occurs and now you've learned something new. This one is a step forward to teamgames so hope we can play more when I'm back

    Very nice to see people playing teamgaymes in the middle of 2023! Tak4e lets pley next week with similar composition + moyself.

    8 players and 4at4 this is insane in 2023! I see Zeo, Destroyer grigorij samoxvalov, grephx, milena, squidward, pacul, fururken, markx.

    GG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nOW MORE BEARS him drink must
    Last edited by HeLLspAWn; 23.07.2023 at 00:52. Reason: bad
    Where r my 115e? and now we Have a Problem.

    GameZone24.net Forums founder. The Director since 2003

  6. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeLLspAWn View Post
    Yes, if you see an even number of people, it's better to first join as observer and see what's going on (you can ask in game if they play a match or just wait for people). Entering a teamgames full of focused people doing 2at2+ results in people gettin' mad because someone is disturbing the match. As our xoro6ij imperator said - it's an unwritten rule. I couldn't participate but you should just take it easy, because people rapidly spamming messages to leave the game is a normal behavior when this occurs and now you've learned something new. This one is a step forward to teamgames so hope we can play more when I'm back

    Very nice to see people playing teamgaymes in the middle of 2023! Tak4e lets pley next week with similar composition + moyself.

    8 players and 4at4 this is insane in 2023! I see Zeo, Destroyer grigorij samoxvalov, grephx, milena, squidward, pacul, fururken, markx.

    GG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! nOW MORE BEARS him drink must
    yeah I think we need to write the rules of teamgames New people also want to play, but they might get scared away because it's just a missunderstanding from our side. We already started a game. and btw Director, number of players wasn't even (because we wanted to play 3vs4 type), that is probably the beginning of missunderstanding. I'm also sorry Cannibal, I hope you play in future with us!

  7. #22
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    It's amazing to see all those beautiful tags. Hopefully I have time to participate next time.

    The First Encounter

    The Second Encounter

  8. #23
    VPN Elite

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    hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol.

  9. #24
    MobbingZone24 Elite

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  10. #25
    Roaming Entity
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken View Post
    yeah I think we need to write the rules of teamgames New people also want to play, but they might get scared away because it's just a missunderstanding from our side. We already started a game. and btw Director, number of players wasn't even (because we wanted to play 3vs4 type), that is probably the beginning of missunderstanding. I'm also sorry Cannibal, I hope you play in future with us!
    This is where the misunderstanding started. Yes.
    2 weeks ago i was struggling with missing files also. When i fixed it, i wanted to try again, but an even number was present in the server so i didnt join.

    Yesterday there were 7 players so i decided to join.
    This was immediatly after Milena asked me to be the 8th player. I just had to change 1 thing thats why it took me 2 more minuts to join.

    The match just started 2 minuts prior to me joining.
    And Milena asked multiple times to restart the match but no one would listen.

    I asked multiple times what the teams would be like but nobody awnsered so i spammed the sentence 5 times. Was a bit unneccesary maybe, but i was confused.

    Plus, in my defence, i was already annoyed witj the shotty trouble map not working everytime becouse of
    Wrong spellings in the filename. BUT, that is afcourse my problem and i shouldnt make it somebody's elses. This played a role in me having enough and leaving the game.

    Having said all of this, Forsaken was the only one who kindly asked me to wait.
    Plus Milena always trys to balance everything and making sure everyone can have a good and fair fun game. I think she deserves much more credit for her effort and dedication. I am not sure everyone here is aware of how importmant and crucial she is for this community.

    All in all, thanks Zeo for explaining yourself I guess communication is a struggle for all of us sometimes hehe

  11. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken View Post
    yeah I think we need to write the rules of teamgames New people also want to play, but they might get scared away because it's just a missunderstanding from our side.
    Rules were always vague and shifting and exceptions were made, so I don't think it's necessary. We all learned by osmosis until this point and it worked.

    *~>>Devils Ultimate d'Erektor<<~*

    People who lead a very successful business, usually tend to have extremely low freetime which results in depressions.
    The only thing that matters is personal happines and health, money can destroy both.
    ~Amco 2016

    It doesnt matter what you look like, or what stereotype you fulfill as long, as you're modest
    and respectful towards everyone, and feel comfortable about yourself.
    ~Amco 2020

    post your screens? played yesterday? of today? no screens available? No screens of january? december 2022? november 2022? no played matches in sam? hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol. ~Vyebani User 2023

  12. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by GraphX of GZ wow View Post
    Rules were always vague and shifting and exceptions were made, so I don't think it's necessary. We all learned by osmosis until this point and it worked.
    yeah well it seems to be right, also if there are rules, they are done so that people can break them that's how it works in life

  13. #28
    Campers Clan

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    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken View Post
    yeah well it seems to be right, also if there are rules, they are done so that people can break them that's how it works in life
    not if i'm around

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  14. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyward View Post
    not if i'm around
    Meta Meta superstar I still remember it

  15. #30
    Campers Clan

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    Quote Originally Posted by Forsaken View Post
    Meta Meta superstar I still remember it
    I have reativated my old faceboobs account recently and noticed Petter was still online, mabe I should ask him to give us the names of the ancient dirty cheaters

    ^ steam profile access ^

    Corsair • Asus • Razer • Beyerdynamic


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