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  1. #1
    Naabii Bellatores
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    Germany legalized Bubatz

    I wanted to open a topic which bothers me since some weeks.
    Yes, it happened...Bubatz become legal in Germany.
    What is ur opinion and thoughts about this?


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  2. #2
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    Sweet news! Gonna come to Germany immediately after the war stops!
    watch unimaginable [2012]
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  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zeo View Post
    Sweet news! Gonna come to Germany immediately after the war stops!
    You could've visited the neighbouring country before the war and say hi to me on your way back

    But you didnt know me back then, talking about contradiction

    I think its a good thing. In the beginning the ammount of mariuana users will increase exponentionally. But since its now legal, the rush and exitement is gone. And the desire to use it will decline. Most likely they will move on to other ways of getting THC into their bodies.

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    Let's contribute to this topic, since I can use a bit of positivity. I don't care about people that smoke weed. But sadly it smells bad and the atmosphere around the shops are often (ofcourse not always) bad. They should only make it legal to buy online, so people actually consume it at home and not bother anyone.

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  6. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evolta View Post
    Let's contribute to this topic, since I can use a bit of positivity. I don't care about people that smoke weed. But sadly it smells bad and the atmosphere around the shops are often (ofcourse not always) bad. They should only make it legal to buy online, so people actually consume it at home and not bother anyone.
    Konsumverbot von Cannabis in einer Schutzzone von 200 Metern Abstand zum Eingangsbereich von Anbauvereinigungen, Schulen, Kinder- und Jugendeinrichtungen, Kinderspielplätzen sowie in öffentlich zugänglichen Sportstätten.
    tldr it is forbidden to consume at certain areas that are specified, such as growing spots, schools, and so on - you need to be at least 200m away

    so basically so far it is a draft, its going to take effect in january 2024 perhaps

    hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol.

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    Quote Originally Posted by AmcoTraD View Post
    tldr it is forbidden to consume at certain areas that are specified, such as selling spots, schools, and so on - you need to be at least 200m away

    so basically so far it is a draft, its going to take effect in january 2024 perhaps
    January 2024 is close. But it's good that it's not allowed everywhere. Just hope mainly for the cops and other security related people that everyone will obey that rule. In my personal experience much people that smoke weed are not the people that obey any rules.

    But I would love to see if Germans get funny after they smoked weed. Would be a nice improvement.

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  8. #8
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    ive been smoking weed for years (not on a regular basis tho) and grow it moyself, i couldnt care less if its legal or not

    i even visited mastershock to get some good stuff once or twice

    only issue is that in my small village where i live, people wouldnt tolerate that anyways xd

    hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol.

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    Weed isnt the most dangerous shit they could have legalised... at this point they could have done so also with heroin and cocaine. Why not? Those who wants to get them, gets them and it doesnt matter if they are legalised or not.

    I think you just dont know how they transport cocaine from Latin America to Russia... Damn Columbia. Exactly from there, criminals transport it to Venezuela by land or sea. when they transport it by land they use double bottom containers, and by sea fast boats with a practical hold. In Venezuela done bribes to officials and then they are able to load it onto a cargo ship, which then will go to Europe. To minimize the risks, parties of cocaine gets split and loaded onto a different cargo ships.
    Having logistics and shipping professionals available, the operation is ensured with maximum secrecy. After cargo ships got to Europe they have different ports there. Netherlands, Portugal, Spain. Then it gets transported on the continent with the trucks and trains. While transporting it with this, they also make different routs and use different vehicles to make it hard that the government can be tracking it. To enter Russia this route should be made through one of countries of the European Union. For example Finland. Or Latvia. Then to ensure it gets further now bribes are made to customs officers. With the support of the local criminal groups. Then certain parties gets in certain cars (there are many places you can hide this shit in a car). And some certain people gets all of this stuff. Then they create a marketplaces and sell it online while they can stay outside of all of other processes. Other people does it then, operators, couriers, and others also. That is the system. That's how our singers, actors, deputies and others get their cocaine. All is done safely and fast. Each day more and more of this shit, and nothing can be done to stop this. Too much of money in this. So you see no point if it's not legalised. Because any restrictions at the end only increase the final price of certain stuff.

    I also often hear such cute position like: "ohh what if there is no drugdealers, I wish they all die, then there are also no drug addicted."
    Important to remember any position that starts with "what if" is nothing more than a fantasy. You cant solve a problem if you just keep fantasize about it, to solve this problem what is really needed a clear actions in a reality, and in this reality drugs are already there. in a free way, legalised they are or not, those who wants to get them, gets them. if you want to have a war with this, it's lost already. Sad, but true.

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    A very wise man once said;
    Drugs are bad MKAY

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  11. #11
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    My thot and pinion is decriminalizing it will bring more tax money to the government, than penalties for using an illegal substance. That's the first thing, the second is possibility to take a look broadly at substance uses on a large scale. Long time societal analysis can shine some light at what it contributes to, and what it subtracts from on a large scale.

    Bet you at least 30% big brains even in NASA are smoking on regular basis; but legalizing it may also contribute to consumption in underage people, which WILL stupify them in the long term, this could make the population less inteligent.

    I'm mostly excited for these studies and meta-analyses in the long run.

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    post your screens? played yesterday? of today? no screens available? No screens of january? december 2022? november 2022? no played matches in sam? hm sad. just stay a "legend" on gz these days. inactive since decades or activ as "Alias" with vpn lol. ~Vyebani User 2023

  12. #12
    Naabii Bellatores
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    What a Thread.

    Falls sie zurückkommen,vergiss nicht wie sie dich verlassen haben
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  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by Evolta View Post
    A very wise man once said;
    Drugs are bad MKAY
    Mr. Mackey



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