Okay moy horo6iy soshkis, we haven't played any games since summer so the time HAS COME!!!
Let's brush off the dust from Sirius Semen's icon!
Date & Time: Saturday, 18th of November, 20.00 GZ (German) Time (22.00 Moscow Time)
Game: Sirius Semen The Second Eblivyi Encounter and no Revolution allowed, reason: bad
Version: Steam / 1.07
Maps: some standart including ST (sucks)
Cheating allowed: not this time
Leaving games allowed: no, otherwise you'll be kicked from all clans forever (excluding InterPlay)
Making bad teams allowed: NO aga sprosit zabyli director??????????????????????????????
Blyadlist (players list)
- Zeo
- Evolta
- GraphX
- Forsaken
- Allergeno
- Destroyer
Team Sam: The President (EVO), drdeep (Allergen), Destroyer
Team Red: Insomnia (Zeo), GraphX, Forsaken
Little Trouble (56:53 team Sam wins)
Yodeller (68:52 team Sam wins)
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