Teamgaymes this week
Hello, as Direktor wanted so much to play some teamgaymes but for some reason never had either time or desire to simply create a thread about it, I want to do it then instead of him. Let's see if we can have still 6 players ready for this weekend!
Saturday 19:00-21:00 GZ time (20:00-22:00msk)
Sunday 19:00-21:00 GZ time (20:00-22:00msk)
Type : 3 AT 3 or 2at2 if xyi and pizdec
Maps: LT, ST, Fortress, Hole, TLT
If you want to participate simply write here in this thread which day would be better for you and time is also discussable and never not negotiable. For me I'm free to play at any of these days at a specified time but some of them not.
1. Forsaken (saturday, sunday)
2. HellSpawn Direktor4ik (saturday, sunday)
3. GraphX of GZ wOw (saturday, sunday) (50% due to chance to socialise i po6el naxyi so svoimi socialami)
4. Gospodin (probably sunday i jebiga)
5. Pacul after 115 teacups
6. I will call des, zeo, quadarius. HV at da4a making strawberry jam = reason no pley.