First of all i dont give a shit about this guy bithday but 1 meet him one time i was a kid and in germany and Plutonium ( ThE BeGinnEr GER ) make lan party at home we drink beer smokes weed and at this night the legendary mastershock was born this is me.
I remeber this night werry well i play a lot and i was a supernoob so what i remeber is that we smoke weed and drinking beer and play semen and this guy was sitting near me and at this time he registered in gamezone forums in 2005 after that i never see him again.
Later when i come back to hungary i installing semen and the rest is the legend.
So i have one qwestion
Why Ghosty want to try every year joining my 15 years dead clan?
can someone tell me this? or where is the 115 euro???