my fov is messed up when using ostap version of sam. on steam version I have a higher fov/higher camera distance. it's like zoomed in on ostap's ver.
am I the only one with that problem? what can I do to fix that?
my fov is messed up when using ostap version of sam. on steam version I have a higher fov/higher camera distance. it's like zoomed in on ostap's ver.
am I the only one with that problem? what can I do to fix that?
'To tell you the truth, I can beat anyone in the world.' ~ Bruce Lee
Ostap has done it on purpose his servers are specific, so that all were arithmetic averages and not play with subtle tweaks that give an advantage.
Otherwise you will have problems with synchronization on the server.
I'm administrating the servers for Ostap since 2010 and I was never told he did anything of this sort to prevent people from using tweaks
Also when did FOV start causing synchronization issue? When you download a game from someone else you also get all that person's settings, I suggest you have a look in persistentsymbols.ini and set the FOV value at your liking
persistent extern user FLOAT plr_fFOV=(FLOAT)85; (85 is what I use, it's an average, and rather close from the screen if you're used to being way back like in SSHD - which I personally dislike)
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I was getting pretty often Tmbs on Ostap's servers, like every 3-5 mins
Tell me... where should i go? To the left,
where nothing is right? Or to the right,
where nothing is left?
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it's a bit weird, guys. i tested fov command. on steam version fov is fixed to 90 can't change it but on ostap version I can.
90 fov on ostap looks like 70 for me but i can change ultra high up to 160. now I use 110 on 16:9 screen and it looks even better than on steam version. dunno why it's possible but I like it
thx 4 the info, Meta
'To tell you the truth, I can beat anyone in the world.' ~ Bruce Lee
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