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  1. #46
    NagvalЪ жив
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    The fucking cheater won one game - in other games he chased his reflection and thought that he was winning, but it was a tankman fake, waving his underpants and shorts, Meta was very careless and listened well to the sounds - the schoolboy was overwhelming all with corpses - because he was not I heard about the Perfect.
    Cigi sat and recorded a demo, but he was not told the password for the observer.
    The destroyer won, but his grandfather had a myocardial infarction and mouse rupture - Speedmeister sat and was waiting for everyone at 1.05 and he has a perfection again !!!!!

  2. #47
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigivar View Post
    The fucking cheater won one game - in other games he chased his reflection and thought that he was winning, but it was a tankman fake, waving his underpants and shorts, Meta was very careless and listened well to the sounds - the schoolboy was overwhelming all with corpses - because he was not I heard about the Perfect.
    Cigi sat and recorded a demo, but he was not told the password for the observer.
    The destroyer won, but his grandfather had a myocardial infarction and mouse rupture - Speedmeister sat and was waiting for everyone at 1.05 and he has a perfection again !!!!!
    ~He's the shining and the light without whom I cannot see

  3. #48
    NagvalЪ жив
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    Quote Originally Posted by Salker90 View Post
    I just asked ChatGpt - “Translate to English” - then I decided to check what I got through GoogleTranslate, the translation didn't seem accurate enough and I did the same with deepseek, then with mistral ai then with peprlecxity then with yandex translate and again with google.

    Then I got fucked up and decided to write with what I had (even though I wasn't satisfied with the result). But I guess Chinese Ai doesn't know Russian-Finnish dialect. (I myself am from a small village on the Neva. I live practically on a swamp.) Although maybe the French AI is also a bit fucked up.

    Anyway Black Spirit told me on this forum - “learn English”, but I didn't know English and thought he told me - “write demos”. I wrote 5000 I'm sitting eating Italian pasta, drinking Bovarsky, watching Putin on TV and on another screen as men shoot shotguns and smear corpses throwing them up.

    I hope the forum supports utf-8, I forgot what I wanted to say....

    Translated with DeepL.com (free version)

  4. #49
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    Corsair • Asus • Razer • Beyerdynamic

  5. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigivar View Post
    I just asked ChatGpt - “Translate to English” - then I decided to check what I got through GoogleTranslate, the translation didn't seem accurate enough and I did the same with deepseek, then with mistral ai then with peprlecxity then with yandex translate and again with google.

    Then I got fucked up and decided to write with what I had (even though I wasn't satisfied with the result). But I guess Chinese Ai doesn't know Russian-Finnish dialect. (I myself am from a small village on the Neva. I live practically on a swamp.) Although maybe the French AI is also a bit fucked up.

    Anyway Black Spirit told me on this forum - “learn English”, but I didn't know English and thought he told me - “write demos”. I wrote 5000 I'm sitting eating Italian pasta, drinking Bovarsky, watching Putin on TV and on another screen as men shoot shotguns and smear corpses throwing them up.

    I hope the forum supports utf-8, I forgot what I wanted to say....

    Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
    Maybe post original russian version here and who actually wrote that?
    Where r my 115e? and now we Have a Problem.

    GameZone24.net Forums founder. The Director since 2003

  6. #51
    NagvalЪ жив
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    Quote Originally Posted by Milena View Post
    Why russians always assume that the whole world is speaking russian?
    Trust me, the Russians don't see it that way.

    Ms. Bellatores, this forum is very specific and has changed a lot in the last 10 years. One of its founding fathers learned Russian at school, as I learned German in the Old Russian tradition (just in case).
    No one knows Polish except Poles, but everyone knows Bobr Kurva))).
    So and here in half of the answers Russian mat transclitic. So you can immediately in Russian)). All the more you see they ask for it!

    Quote Originally Posted by HeLLspAWn View Post
    Maybe post original russian version here and who actually wrote that?
    First - "
    Одну игру выиграл гребаный читер - в других играх он гонялся за своим отражением и думал, что выигрывает, но это был фейк Танкиста, размахивающий трусами и шороварами.
    Металлиман выйграл потому что был очень осторожен и хорошо прислушивался к звукам.

    Школьник завалил всех трупами - потому что он не слышал о Перфектах.

    Cigi сидел и записывал демо, но ему не сказали пароль для обсервера.

    Destroyer победил, но у ценой инфаркт миокарда и ломаной мыши

    Speedmeister ждал всех на 1.05 и него снова Перфект!!!"

    Second - "
    Я просто попросил ChatGpt - "Перевиди на английский" - потом решил проверить что получилось через GoogleTranslate, перевод мне показался не достаточно точным и проделал тоже самое с deepseek, потом с mistral ai затем с perplexity.ai потом yandex translate и опять с google.

    Потом меня это заебало и я решил написать тем чем получилось ( хотя результат меня еще не устраивал). Но походу Китайский Ai не знает русско-финского диалекта. (Сам я с маленькой деревни на Неве. Живу практически на болоте.) Хотя может француский AI тоже немного припиздел.

    Короче говорил мне на этом форуме Black Spirit - "учи английский", но я не знал английский и подумал он мне говорит - "пиши демки". Записал 5000 сижу ем итальянские макароны, запивая боварским, смотрю Путина на Тв а на другом экране как мужики стреляют дробью и размазывают трупы подбрасывая их вверх.

    Надеюсь форум поддрерживает utf-8, блин я забыл о чем я хотем сказать...."
    Ps.Have a good Monday, everyone ^___^)/

  7. #52
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    Quote Originally Posted by cigivar View Post
    I just asked ChatGpt - “Translate to English” - then I decided to check what I got through GoogleTranslate, the translation didn't seem accurate enough and I did the same with deepseek, then with mistral ai then with peprlecxity then with yandex translate and again with google.

    Then I got fucked up and decided to write with what I had (even though I wasn't satisfied with the result). But I guess Chinese Ai doesn't know Russian-Finnish dialect. (I myself am from a small village on the Neva. I live practically on a swamp.) Although maybe the French AI is also a bit fucked up.

    Anyway Black Spirit told me on this forum - “learn English”, but I didn't know English and thought he told me - “write demos”. I wrote 5000 I'm sitting eating Italian pasta, drinking Bovarsky, watching Putin on TV and on another screen as men shoot shotguns and smear corpses throwing them up.

    I hope the forum supports utf-8, I forgot what I wanted to say....

    Translated with DeepL.com (free version)
    whos the cheater?
    ~He's the shining and the light without whom I cannot see

  8. #53
    NagvalЪ жив
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    Quote Originally Posted by Salker90 View Post
    whos the cheater?
    Dude, don't you know about this?
    You're a fan of Shotty Trouble))))
    And you don't know about the cheat chief's claims.
    Or at least the Tigrusa de Rulusa version )

  9. #54
    Fiat Punto
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    Quote Originally Posted by Skyward View Post
    despite it's not easy at all to progress in the middle of very long time players.
    Dis not true and total slander. And the root cause commes from fact that ] very long time players [ don't even play. Then them come once in blu moon and see some bedboy and say "he can't be pleying this good. he plays ONLY for ] 2 YEARS [ (moderately active, 800 hours Steam time) and against noobz on Hole not against the legendary legendz, no way he fcking all of us must be cheat" then man got bored and quit (normal). Only 2 or 3 people on this screens trying to pley normally as indicated by their low death amount. rest is just running around pointlessly and then wow. Him win with K/D 1 ???

    @Takeszka ] TheCruxial [ : wtf are this scores ??? what rank have you in CS2 ??? hev you no pride? you must surely want to do at least better then girlfriend. I expected you to be in line with her at least. but is ok especially if you actually didnt even play the game before, you must run around the map, remember 20 year old map layouts and so on. But also looks like somefing bothering you with game??? Contact me on the Discord I fix this broken game for all people, if you are interested. One day soon you might just beat the Skyward on LT and him will call you nade spammer, and others will call you chitor because not 8 years playtime on record.

    ggs all good luck in next

  10. #55
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    I think it's easier to progress when playing with good players (at least this has always been my personal case , particularly in other games) , afterall if you always play with noobs you'll never face certain situations which would make you understand where to improve and also learn new techniques by observing someone who is way stronger than you.

    Sam is weird on the other hand , for example in Shotty Trouble ( when in a FFA with multiple opponents ) since the damages are so fucked up and unpredictable you can just wait for others to fight and rush in when who survived has very low HP.
    This way even someone who would lose a 1vs 1 30/0 could climb the score ladder , and , achieve ''good'' scores.

    ''Veterans'' left are : Pacul,XF, Zdzichu ... really thats it, the game has been slowly dying all these years and the community doesn't support it anymore like before..but hey it's still a game from early 2000 everything comes to an end. I wouldn't even bother talk about how the game is unbalanced etc. has pretty much 0 meaning as of now, we know sam's limits but we always played with what we got and didn't bother.
    Also most newbies only see Hole, so yeah despite the revival of servers after gamespy's death etc, theres seems to always be some issue when trying to get ''new'' players, but I repeat , there's no point in start playing sam in 2025, not worth the hassle, way better to focus on newer games.
    ~He's the shining and the light without whom I cannot see

  11. #56
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    Quote Originally Posted by Salker90 View Post
    I think it's easier to progress when playing with good players (at least this has always been my personal case , particularly in other games) , afterall if you always play with noobs you'll never face certain situations which would make you understand where to improve and also learn new techniques by observing someone who is way stronger than you.

    Sam is weird on the other hand , for example in Shotty Trouble ( when in a FFA with multiple opponents ) since the damages are so fucked up and unpredictable you can just wait for others to fight and rush in when who survived has very low HP.
    This way even someone who would lose a 1vs 1 30/0 could climb the score ladder , and , achieve ''good'' scores.

    ''Veterans'' left are : Pacul,XF, Zdzichu ... really thats it, the game has been slowly dying all these years and the community doesn't support it anymore like before..but hey it's still a game from early 2000 everything comes to an end. I wouldn't even bother talk about how the game is unbalanced etc. has pretty much 0 meaning as of now, we know sam's limits but we always played with what we got and didn't bother.
    Also most newbies only see Hole, so yeah despite the revival of servers after gamespy's death etc, theres seems to always be some issue when trying to get ''new'' players, but I repeat , there's no point in start playing sam in 2025, not worth the hassle, way better to focus on newer games.
    I can't agree with that, we could observe that in 2009 (and prior to it) when the no powerups was the main meta everywhere and that all servers were still independant (no 42A'dam) and all the big clans, big players were still active, that a large majority of casual players have left the game, which made it die far before the end of gamespy. in 2009 it was already a pain in the ass to find an active server, when 42Amsterdam has reinstated the original gameplay by bringing back the powerups, we've seen many players back.

    I can totally understand why this has happened, in my opinion if I get 30/0 by someone, I wouldn't consider it as "learning" but rather as boring as fuck and would move on to another game. People don't learn by getting 30/0d all the time, they learn by playing with opponents of their level, to learn how to outplay them, to pinpoint their mistakes and take advantage of them, progressively to the top.

    There is a reason matchmaking exists in modern competitive games, you don't throw silvers in the middle of global elite games (to take cs as example) they will get crushed and they will learn nothing because they won't understand what the fuck is happening at all. You cannot learn if you don't understand. And when the skill gap is too large, you don't get to understand anything. You have to learn progressively.
    It's just like in real life when you begin your job for the first time, you are not given critical responsibilities first because there are 99% chances that you will fail. Here again you have to practice and learn progressively with tasks that maches your level.

    So yes, learning between veterans is extremely complicated.

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    Corsair • Asus • Razer • Beyerdynamic

  12. #57
    Fiat Punto
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    But this is not some game with a massive skill ceiling man. It really isn't that deep for someone competent who has the masochism levels to go through this awful technical and balance side of the game (or make the most out of troubleshooting their way through those because that's where most people's problems come from) with a bit of time put in to start contesting people at "legendary status" aka I play 9 years, 6 of them are the breaks. They may play mostly with noobs on 42 but it's actually harder to play there since those exaggerated HARD/SERIOUS settings will force you to change your approach because it's so easy to die, not to mention they are unpredictable and make no sense for a rational player. Not saying that Mask is that person but he made something out of it and he puts way too many hours in the game so of course... it's just people in actually ALL Sam games are not used to this kind of player. The people that play Sam are the closest thing to bots that exists on the internet. There is no way they are real and that they are able to play ANYTHING out there or at least involving the shooter genre. So this why most people even in HD would be skeptical when the new random isn't disabled/crippled/paralyzed/achievement hunting (all are the same) and can actually throw a punch, something which would never happen in any other game...

  13. #58
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    @Meta I agree to disagree but I didn't say that it is imperative that you play with someone who is an absolute master of the game , In sam even someone who is just above average can be difficult to be dealt with under certain circumstances.

    And yes I joined this game in early 2008 and I clearly remember the situation about playerbase.

    Serious Sam is a FPS arena, very different from CS , and Sam was never really considered a competitive game .
    ~He's the shining and the light without whom I cannot see

  14. #59
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    You're wrong about some cases.
    Where r my 115e? and now we Have a Problem.

    GameZone24.net Forums founder. The Director since 2003

  15. #60
    Fiat Punto
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    Quote Originally Posted by Salker90 View Post
    Serious Sam is a FPS arena, very different from CS , and Sam was never really considered a competitive game .
    True but Sam is also different than most usual and even unusual arena fps games, it's much more methodical, kind of inspect&execute approach, helped by limited mobility options, higher difficulty to disengage and high punishment for poor positioning thanks to a very low TTK compared to those other games. That's why when observing good gameplay it looks much more strategical, it encourages more zone control (some would call this camping but ok), so much gathering of info from 3rd person too, at some point it becomes arguable to even call it "f"ps.

    This is much different from something like HD for example, which is just Quake but with autism (movement vectors are very wide, so any normal move you try to replicate from Quake will get you to land sideways here). High TTK especially some maps like Sun Palace and The Lost Tomb where you can stall for a very long time. Proper aggressive gameplay is rewarded and promoted since map control = win... tons of autistic movement mechanics and map specific rotations are prerequisites to even start learning the game... like most arena shooters out there. Classic is not like that so it's certainly easier to pick up.

    Also I found a random clip featuring Mask from 1 year ago (January 2024). crazy https://cdn.discordapp.com/attachmen...dccfa87b3829a& him was true bot but improved much


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